Thursday, January 04, 2007

I think Ireland is missing a Leprachaun

Here's a little dialogue as really happened!

Scene: Backline dance club

Enter, Shortish dude (SD)

SD: " Hey, you are GORGEOUS!!!"
Me: "...." in other words, no response
SD's even shorter friend aka Leprachaun: "..." no dialogue, but he promptly proceeds to plant a wet one on my hand and has a self satisfied grin on his face
Me: "Dude!! Leave me alone!!!"
L: "..." no dialogue, but he ignores my warning and plants another wet one on my CLEAVAGE!!!!
Me: " DUde, back the HELL away!!!" followed by me pushing him very firmly away
SD enters the scene again: "Hey you *&^$##^&! Don't you dare talk to my friend like that!" and he pushes me! He got really aggro.

I exit the scene and find Michelle.
Mich (angry) : " Why did you not tell me I would have klapped him!!!!"
Re-enter L...
Mich and me: " Get the hell away dude! We are serious!!"

That was scary, but very unreal (hence me writing it as a play, these things only happens in movies!!)

The guy was real short, he just reached over my elbows

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