Tuesday, January 30, 2007


A local Fourwanian shared a valuable piece of information with me.

There is not a single PEP in Fourways…so what makes you think I am in a posh area?

After work, I am going to sip some champagne at the clubhouse, while I sit next to my swimming pool (not kidding!)

This is one for Michelle

Extract from the ‘YOU’

It is believed that yawning was used by primitive cavemen as a means of communicating. The leader of a clan would open his mouth wide to signal that he was ready for bed. The other men would do the same to show that they agree with their chief .

Trying to avoid Terra Firma

When I packed up my life….
When the music plays…
When I swim really hard…
When I run so far that I lose my breath…
When I do a million things at once…
When I don’t hear that song…
When I don’t touch the ground…

…that’s when I am OK

Dating tips

So, to the dude who was wondering what I want to do for a date.

Here’s a hint!

Monday, January 29, 2007

jager bomb....

Need I say more?


Here is a book from the 80's..love the colours and layout on this one...

Numero Uno

"Then I kissed her..."

The Beach boys

(Really enjoy this tune)

the eighties

Another thing which was born in 1985 (and should have died there) was shoulderpads!

Ok, some of your moms may still have a couple of these outfits in their cupboards, but let us not go there...

(I would not mention it in public if I were you...)

(Just a hint, use it, don't use it, whatever!)

herefore art the girrrrls

Herefore art the girls at Good 4 Fella's...
I was on my own mission that night...hence: I am missing in the pic!

matthew and Leeroy again

Ok, so a critical piece of info I missed last time is that these two live in Lugg Circle! The magical street I blogged about last time...these are the people that live there!!! I did not know this at the time of that specific entry...

What are the chances? Mmmmmm..the universe has its reasons for making you write certain things and meeting certain people.

Mxing it!

Are you a MXIT kop?
8:49AM, Tuesday, 22 Aug, 2006
Any of this stuff sound familiar? .. Be afraid
1. You always carry a charger with you coz mxit vriet your battery.
2. You type faster on your phone than you do on your computer.
3. You actually say “lol” wen speaking to people.
4. Your friends phone you to find out if you okay because you havnt been online all day.
5. a “please call me”= meet me on mxit
6. You forgot how to send an sms.
7. You can drive and mxit, eat and mxit, bath and mxit, study and mxit
8. You have more than 30 contacts
9. You use mxit as a verb and not as a noun.
10. “Can I have your contact” is your standard pick-up line
11. “knu” is your standard response to “hey hw u”
12. You never spend more than R30 aitime a month, and most of it goes to sending pics.
13. The person you would most like to chat to right now is called “sexybabe” or “hothunk” on mxit.
14. You get a rush of adrenaline wen you hear that you got a new invitation.
15. You get depressed because sum1 isnt chatting to you. 16. You get depressed because sum1 is taking long to reply.
17. You get depressed because sum1 is sending you one word answers
18. You really laugh out loud wen reading a message.
19. Your parents have said anything along the lines of “if you spend as much time with your books as you do on your phone…”
20. You met your bf/gf on mxit.
21. You have a mxit bf/gf.
22. You always saying mxit is boring, but you cant help logging on anyway.
23. You get a weird lonely, lost, sad feeling when you don’t have airtime to log on.
24. You get that same feeling when your charger is laying at home and your battery on 1 bar. 25. You send an sms during off-peak time and you still sig because you think that you couldv'e f@#!en used the same amount of airtime to chat for an entire day.
26. Your phone is broken and you downloaded your Mxit on your daddy's phone.
27.You chat on your sister/brother's Mxit because your phone is broken and they're too damn selfish to let you download yours onto their phone.
28.You chat to someone on Mxit even when you're sitting next to that person.
29.You curse the phenomenon called "Dc".
30.You feel triumphant when that person you likes greets you first, especially when you're someone who waits for people to greet them
31.You greet that person first because you're going crazy seeing their name online and you're not the one occupying their time.
32. You hide your phone under your pillow wenever your mommy enters your room
33. The following news excites you: VERSION 5 HAS JUST BEEN RELEASED!!!!


So, in case you were wondering:
This is what the Guiness-book of world records- looked like in 1985

another blog

So I was looking for info and pics for Clauds b-day collage, and then I came across the coolest blog on 24.com...

But to leave a comment, I had to create a log-in, in other words I had to create another blog!

Um...hee hee, I thought these ppl with 2 blogs are weird, but here I am...


hey somebody who also loves to pout: Althea

night fever

Night fever, night fever

A HA....

It looks like Claud is hiding something in this picture!

Althea and Nadine

In this picture, Nadine and Althea are shouting at the top of their lungs...

Editors note

I have to apologise...

I made a typo error!

This is Geoffrey Cumming....not Cummings as I had said on my previous blog entry...

He does the BEST blue steel look I have seen in a while!

On moving house

This is the last time that I will see the view like this
Well it is the last time that it will feel like I own it

If I had to draw it,
I would analyze the view by dividing it into sections:

The stretch of tarmac
The shrubs
The electric fence
The tall grass
The pond
The driving range's grass
The trees in the distance

The sky.

A single white pole sticks out of the pond, birds always perch on it.

It would have made a great landscape drawing, too bad I only noticed it when it was too late

Sans Snippet

Sans snippet

I have only lost my voice twice!

Songs help you deal

Behind Blue eyes

"And no one knows what it's like
to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes

And no one knows what it is like
to be hated
to be faded
to tell a lonely life

But my dreams are all as empty as my conscience seems to be
I have hours only lonely...
My love of angels
and that is not free...

No one knows what it is like
to feel these feelings
like I do
and I blame you

No one knows what it is like
to be mistreated
to be defeated
Behind blue eyes

And no one knows how to say
that they are sorry
and don't worry
I'm not telling lies

But my dreams are all as empty as my conscience seems to be
I have hours only lonely
My love for angels and that's not free "

What can hurt you most is loving somebody more than they love themselves...

Even harder than that is having to turn your back on them (not because you don't want to help them) but because the emotional risk to yourself is just too great.

"I'm scared of people who act like they don't care about anything, because they have nothing to lose. And a person who acts like that, is the most dangerous of them all"

This snippet is from the mooooovie: The Departed

I was in Centurion on the weekend...

Long way Home
-Addicted to music-

I'm kicking that stone along your street alone
And the walls criticize where i have gone..

I'm throwing that stone through your open door
and the walls seem to tell me that I am wrong

I'm taking the long way home, where everything is far from home...
Just like the boy, I'm giving it away...
I regret tomorrow
I'm taking the long way home, whatever may come and go,
Just like the boy, trying to give it away...
I regret tomorrow, more than yesterday.

And if I walk where we used to hide...
And the world seems to cold and dark outside...

I'm taking the long way home, where everything is far from home...
Just like the boy, I'm giving it away...
I regret tomorrow
I'm taking the long way home, whatever may come and go,
Just like the boy, trying to give it away...
I regret tomorrow, more than yesterday

Remember that field where we used to kiss
and the rain washed away our secret mist

Nobody is home and I feel lost inside
There is a clock counting down what is left of time

When you are alone, it is easy to hesitate...
Like a guide listening to all heartbreak

I'm taking the long way home, where everything is far from home
Just like the boy, I'm giving it away...
I regret tomorrow
I'm taking the long way home, whatever may come and go,
Just like the boy, giving it away
I regret tomorrow more than yesterday

Thabang Thabong (a kiddies programme)

Little girl puppet:
"I'm so short! I am tired of seeing knees and feet!"

Her meerkat friend:
"Well, hop onto a giraffe and let him walk you around"

Aint that sweet and innocent?

Extreme Team: Population 1

I think I really am a fruit basket! Well, you decide, let me sketch the scenario for you:

At the BP in Centurion the other night (Yes, this is the same BP that I dreamt Paris Hilton was giving make overs at)....

These boys asked my friend for her number.

She said no...

I said: 082 ... digit ... digit ...digit

They thought I gave them the wrong number, so I challenged them to phone it, did my queen wave and we sped off.

So the one guy phones and got a heck-of-a-shock when he realised that I really did give him the right number!

He asks us to join them for tea, and I answer (all cocky) that 3AM is not the time for tea...but we can all go for drinks. So they follow us to where we decide to go for a drink.

Well, neither of us ended up having drinks, I was more interested in the Nik Naks I had bought at the BP...

Well, I had so much fun, cos they turned out to be real cool...

So, back to the point: which fruit do you think I am? Bananna, litchi, grape....actually, I think I am crazy enough to be a whole basket!!


So I am sick…


I sound sicked up…

And yet, the bouncer beech confiscates my Advils, Ok, that is understandable, I may just take it with a double whiskey and put myself on a little trip..ja right

But then she takes my Andolex spray.


Am I going to spike it into my jugular?

O, what a rush, let’s ride the green medicated menthol Andolex train!

It all happened so quickly though,
She emptied my bag,
Took my pills out, put it into a plastic cup,
And handed me a sticker in return!

I felt ripped of, it was not a fair trade, seeing as though I need my flu meds, what am I supposed to do with the sticker.

So there is no hope for Presley’s1

Nic and I saw a dude run in Presley’s and we simultaneously expected a ‘prefect’ bouncer to shout at him: “ Oi!! No running in the corridors, my boy? Do you WANT detention?”

Needless to say we high tailed to Good 4 Fellas…

I love my blog...kissy, kissy, kissy, marry me, let us have 2.4 children

My blog has been so great, it changes your way of thinking.

And it is a great celebration of yourself and wonderful to stay in contact with your mates.

I am so glad you guys started up your own ones...so now I can spy up on you all!

Friday, January 26, 2007

no time

" I have no time to say hello...goodbye! I have no time to say goodbye..hello! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

That is from Alice in Wonderland (the white rabbit says this)

And is exactly how I have been feeling this year, I don't even have time to BLOG!

Monday, January 22, 2007

girly girls

Althea, me and Claud on our way to have some purple rain at billy the bums...

Matthew and Leeroy

Here is Leeroy and Matthew...the sweetest guys on earth! I will be tributing my next set of 'daily doses' to the two of you!

Random old photo's you have not seen: presleys

My Kermit the frog impersonation...it is not the most flattering photo, but it is the most talented one I own
Claud and I tried to draw a fish using Brutal Fruit Strawberry and some straws. It looks more like a penquin though...we are sooo talented in clubs

Claud and I again..

its been a while

Here I r back to blogging after a VERY long absence..

I r sitting at Clauds desk, cos my PC has not been set up yet...

I am looking at some spots to stay at this afternoon, very exciting, a new start!

So note to all my mates out there: I r OK!
Don't worry, life is like one big trampoline in San's Life, when I get thrown down, I always bounce back!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Daily dose

Daily dose of man

He will be able to make appointments ahead of time

tips for a great interview

"Avoid smoking during an interview ( even if the interviewer is smoking) - falling ash and smoke surrounding the interviewee never looks impressive."

Published by some bright spark at SOMEbank.

I would rather not reveal the bank, after the weird comment I received on my previous blog. There are people out there watching. Hmmmm...think I am going to double check if my door is locked, hang on...

Happy birthday dear meeee-eeee

For my birthday I want presence and not presents...in other words, no gifts, just attendance to my P - AR-T- Y!


I have managed to escape the "what's your star sign-line" for most of my adult life.

That was, until last night.

The guy was so sneaky about it, I did not even realise it. It started off with: what is your name, how old are you and what job do you do (San..with an 'n' ...no...not short for Samantha, San...N...21 going on 22 and I am unemployed, no really, I am...No, not studying...I have NO job)

Then comes the, Oh... so your Birthday is next week, so that makes you an Aquarius (me thinking: bingo, dude)

Then he carried on about how Aquarians seem to find one another and his mom is one and her boyfriend too ( and lo and behold, so is he)

It only hit me then, that I had been conned by the famous what's-your-star-sign-line. Because, there I was, sitting on a bar stool with him and his mates, instead of with my own mates. And then all of a sudden, he was not so cute anymore. So I waved my famous queen wave, and graced him with the presence of me LEAVING his sorry Aquarian behind BEHIND...

Kosie rocks my world!

Nicolene's nephew is my number one favourite new person in the WHOLE WIDE CENTURION...

He says I look like Claire Danes when she was in that movie..um...can't remember the name, really..well, you know, THAT movie!

That is the biggest compliment he could have given to me. She is my favourite actress, I adored her in "My so-called life"...and that is where I discovered my all time favourite song too. It was a scene where she was getting ready for school and the radio was on. The song 'blister in the sun' was playing..I fell in looooove with it. I had taped the episode and watched it over and over again so I could I hear the song. ( That was pre-teen San)

It took me years to figure out what the song's name is. And then one day, when I was in High School, I was waiting for my mom to pick me up; and this guy was messing around on his guitar. He played the lyrics for 'Blister in the sun!' And that is how, four years later, I figured out what the songs' name is.

Funny how you say something which is insignificant to you, but to the person you say it to, it means a lot.

Then of course, you have the flipside of the equation, sometimes you think what you say is insignificant, but it hurts somebody else a lot.

Bla bla bla...philosophical San is on the loose again this evening, mind your psychie! The doctor is in....

Michie Moo

Mich has left to see her fiance today, she is going to see him tomorrow morning on the airport. Wishing you all the best, my friend...please blog all your wedding photo's!
Cheers and best of luck on your maiden voyage...

San's snippet

San' snippet #10
I make my own pies! ( I just made my own veggie pies tonight)

what goes BUMP in the night

I am bumping along to all the ancient Bump tracks, while blogging.
"Kick your legs, The Summer, Under the Water...la la la la la"
The songs are so uplifting, not like the 'portable porn' that plays in clubs nowadays...
yucky...Maybe I should take me MP3 player along next time we go out. Then I will have a banging party on my own..people will think I am crazy, but what's new, right? Refer back to the slippers photo...

mmmm, hand me a spoon please!

They have come up with some really neat yoghurt flavours...

Vanilla range (that is the one I purchased today) It has raspberry vanilla flavour, vanilla flavour and Vanilla pear flavour.

Then there is the desert range, I don't know how they do it, but they manage to capture the essence of STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE in YOGHURT.

Frikking awesome!
Then there is also apple crumble flavour and lemon meringue flavour. Those guys are good, man.

Not forgetting, the most awesome range I am busy finishing off, MARSHMALLOW STRAWBERRY flavour ( how DO they DO it?) chocolate flavour and, my ultimate: COOKIES AND CREAM...it tastes so good, how can it be so low in calories? Yeah, the marketing campaign got me good.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

presleys: box burg

We are so beautifoool! So how do you rate my half of the photo? Yes, no, maybe?

yes no maybe

Hey, this site is so interesting! Yes, Yes...no..no...no....
Ok, maybe the site is superficial!
But fun...yes....


I have been inspired to buy cheap a$$ T's at Mr P and then print my own personal sayings onto them. What I would not do to be O-riginal!

Here are a few logo's I have come up with so far (don't scale my ideas, I will find you and HURT you, hee hee):

Front of shirt: CHUCK watches my back
Back of shirt: A photo of Chuck Norris

Read my blog!

bad omen

Shame, so yesterday my flatmate said he would take me to Claud's. By that afternoon, his finance got turned down and he lost his car.

My other flatmate offered to take me instead and then fetch me again today. By this afternoon, she phoned to tell me that her car got stolen.

So we are down to one car in the flat!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

the right thing

SO I thought I did the right thing on Monday morning.

But now, I can't even tell people what I did, because I know they would be upset with me for doing it. So was it really the right thing to do?

This is one of those rhetorical question things.

somebody please leave a frikkin comment!!!

So Claud and I figured today that nobody leaves comments on our blogs, expect the two of us on each other's blog. How sad!

And we blog about stuff we do together. Like she says, we could actually comment to each other: You left out a detail here or embellished a bit much there!

Aaaah, what we won't do for the sake of blog...

mmm..can you say fourways freak?

I cooked so much food for Claud on the weekend, she put them in packs and froze them in tuppers for the week...subliminal advertising, now every time she chomps, she thinks of me.

Success! I am at Claud's pad again tonight...ha ha, my advertising strategy was efficient.

You would also want to hang here permanently, if you knew what is on offer.

Just imagine me in a estate agent drone:
Two pools, spa on the premises, club house that makes food (and if you feel like watching 7de Laan in your house, instead of waiting for your food, they'll even drop it off for you, at your door!!) located close to the Spar (good for you) and a thatch roof.

I'm supposed to catch some shut eye before tomorrow's interview, but here I am blogging away!

claud's view

passed out

Geoff and me passed out on Claud's couch

more bums at billy's

Ok, here's a new face: Geoffry Cummings....

the bums at billy's

me and claud..do I even still have to tell you guys this? Hee Hee...we r for being celebrities

Thursday, January 04, 2007

under the water

Under the water: Björk (I think)

I can't breathe here anymore, it's been like that for a while

Everything seems strange to me, I feel like a new born child

You know I don't belong down here, this will always be the same, I wish I would not have to fear

Under the water, under the water, oooh you let me drown

Under the water, under the water, oooh you let me drown

I try to grow a mermaids tail, coz here is a lot of danger, the great big sharks with long sharp teeth, would like to catch a stranger

You know I don't belong down here, this will always be the same
I wish I would not have to fear

Under the water, under the water, ooh you let me drown

Under the water, under the water, ooh you let me drown

Can't you see? Can't you see? that I was left to drown, that I was left to drown?

Can't you see? Can't you see? that I was deep down under

Can't you see? Can't you see? that I am deep deep under

Can't you see? Can't you see? Can't you see?

The Joe-ness

A pic of my bestest friend and flatmate...we have been living together for three years!

The Joe-ness

A pic of my bestest friend and flatmate...we have been living together for three years!

my rudolph impression

Check that nose...the only part of me that got sunburnt!!

Suz's 21st

Who's peace sign is that in the background? Me and Christo...pictured at the Kegg and Punter: Margate ( he was the DD..Designated Driver)

Ok, if you don't know this is me by now, it is time for you to do some studying! Refer to my blog's history!

how uncanny?

How often do you find a can of olive oil with you and your best friends name on it? I had to take a photo, the waitress probably thought I am weird, but hey, all in the name of a cool blog, right?

Lugg Circle in the HOOD

Another interesting street is called Lugg Circle, it is in Umtentweni, my 'hood'

It is hard to explain the street. You enter Lugg Circle and when you exit, you are in Lugg Circle again

Oprah says

If a man shows his true self to you, BELIEVE HIM!!!

This phrase keeps me going on days that I feel low!

(Boys, you can obviously just switch this to be applicable to you )

Daily dose of man

Daily Dose of Man..

Girls it's time for your daily dose again, and this one is complements of Mich, her fiancè said this to her one day:

Your guy needs to say this, or at least STRONGLY imply it:

"My main aim in life is to make you happy"

Somebody get the kleenex

"I'm like: Whoa!!!
And he's like: Whoa!!! And we are all like: Whoa!!!"

That's from Shark Tale.

Saaz says last night that it is so familiar for her to hear me say that. It feels like we had seen the movie together, although we had not. That's what old friends are all about, right?

I have realized how important friends are. And how they can capture who you were, who you are and some friends inspire you to get to where you want to be.

(That must be a clichè I am recalling, there is no way I could be so soppy on my own!)

Are we there yet?!!!

I'm writing this on the last stretch of my epic bus journey. The little dude went to hurl again..I'm sitting right next to the loo. Not the best choice, to be honest..visitor's to the loo expect YOU to know whether it is occupied or not. And they expect you to know how the intricate bathroom system works. Well I bloody don't! Read my blog...er...I mean lips...read my lips!

I have been doing that a lot lately...when I meet somebody new, I ask myself: is he worth blogging about? And if the answer is no, I make my quick exit!

Some people always get the squeeky trolley in supermarkets, right? That would be me, and I'll be the one with the crappy bus seat. And the one with the apple pack with holes in, so loose apples roll around all over in Spar. ( that really happened)

"Funky Town" is playing in the background, along with a selection of 80's music. There are just rows and rows of corn on either side of me. The dude to the front is trying to chat up a girrrrl with a batman-logo on her T...maybe he is hoping to be her batman? He looks more like the joker, though!

epic bus ride

I was really bored on this bus trip...so wrote everything in my "book-for-days-I-can't-blog-book"

"Fifi's fly fishing repairs....Happy Days Cafe...SuperSpar: Smiles gauranteed"
These were the signs that greeted me on my way back to Joburg yesterday. I just saw on that said 'Port Shepstone, 12 km's" But we are travelling in the opposite direction, we are leaving the magic and charm behind.

At this very moment we are picking people up from Hibberdene. I have followed Mich's advice. Bag next to me. Avoid all eye contact. These are her tips on how to keep the seat next to me unoccupied...or..tips on how to be rude. Either way, I hope it works!

Success!!! No partner on stop number one!

Excuse me, I am going to carry on being sentimental now (staring out the window at the ocean and the south coast people, it all looks so unreal)

Here comes another stop: Scottburgh. It's starting to make a lot of sense why this is a 12 hour bus trip..all the stops.

Ok, time to avoid eye contact. Uh oh, here comes a big family. They are getting on, avoid eye contact. Lie low...wait for it..wait for it...


Just the DBN stop and then I am home free.

Oh no, forgot the Amanzimtoti stop, here goes, assume position San, Lie low, eyes down. The key word is RUDE!

"Take and Pay...Mr Blanket..Rhad's curry..." Approaching DBN, can you tell?

EEEEEEEEEEEK! Lady with pot plant looked very keen to sit next to me. Not this seat lady! Phew! She got the seat right in front of my empty one...

DBN stop: hold thumbs!

And...I are sitting alone! Thank you Mich!!

I think Ireland is missing a Leprachaun

Here's a little dialogue as really happened!

Scene: Backline dance club

Enter, Shortish dude (SD)

SD: " Hey, you are GORGEOUS!!!"
Me: "...." in other words, no response
SD's even shorter friend aka Leprachaun: "..." no dialogue, but he promptly proceeds to plant a wet one on my hand and has a self satisfied grin on his face
Me: "Dude!! Leave me alone!!!"
L: "..." no dialogue, but he ignores my warning and plants another wet one on my CLEAVAGE!!!!
Me: " DUde, back the HELL away!!!" followed by me pushing him very firmly away
SD enters the scene again: "Hey you *&^$##^&! Don't you dare talk to my friend like that!" and he pushes me! He got really aggro.

I exit the scene and find Michelle.
Mich (angry) : " Why did you not tell me I would have klapped him!!!!"
Re-enter L...
Mich and me: " Get the hell away dude! We are serious!!"

That was scary, but very unreal (hence me writing it as a play, these things only happens in movies!!)

The guy was real short, he just reached over my elbows

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


me..suiyen..maggie...what's up with my taibo moves? Check suiyen's tweetie...it was her 21st...

the foot...again


Would you believe that the bouncers did not even ask about the slippers? They did not even look at them! Just goes to show you what guys look at...your eyes!
It was the chicks who pointed at me shoes. Just goes to prove that girls really do check you out from head to toe.

Let's make a bee-line...to backstage

Please note: Suz is missing at this stage and I have switched to good old H2O

Mich, Suiyen, Me and Tammy...both Mich and Tammy are engaged! The two singles are in the middle, working up a storm!

Suz and Mich...Suz studies drama, this picture is actually an illustration of what Mich would have to do with her hair at her wedding. (she had an operation and they shaved some of her hair) She is Jan-Willem in the Pic and Suiyen is her...can you say: M-A-R-R-Y ME? I have THE craziest friends!

Let's make a bee-line for back-line

Pictured here are two of my fellow bloggers: Claudette and Michelle.
Claudette and I have done it again, that top she's wearing? I have the exact same one!!

let's make a bee-line for back-line

Me and my fellow blogger, Claudette! If we ever opened up a shop together, we should call it Bargains-R-Us...That is if she does not join the paparazzi first...

skinny dipping all night long!

Miss Brown is going to hate me for publishing this, but I have to! It art for being a classical, like MOZART!!

As usual, I am left to dance on my own...
..and I really don't mind...
(Ok, just kidding, I really don't mind!)
Miss Brown is doing her own thang, she checked on me twice. The first time, she left to go to the "toilet" and came back holding a yellow, liqourice-smelling drink. The second time? She just left and never came back to the dancefloor.

By that time, I had gotten tired of partying with lovestruck dudes, and I got really tired of being adopted by twinkly-eyed-whistle-blowing-boys. To be quite honest, I felt like that little deer that got seperated from the herd, and the lions were ready to pounce...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Ha ha

I get to our table and a very cozy scene greets me: My mates, fish bowls and some people who aren't my mates. Oh, and let's not forget the weirdo in the corner who kept shoving straws under my nose and yelling: drink! Drink! Luckily I r not one to be pressurized!

We stayed in backline until the VERY last song, they had switched the lights off and were busy emptying trash by the time we left. That is how over the party was.

It was at this point when I realised that my beautiful, intelligent friend had become an Afrikaans speaking girrrrrl, who could not walk unsupported! The horror!

Maggie proceeds to invite EVERYONE to Michelle's house to skinny dip! ( let's remember: Mich is in hospital and I was trusted with the house keys) And when I say everyone, I mean: EVERYONE. From the bouncers, to the dude I had been with, to the car guards.

Man the dude I had been dancing with, thought it his lucky day. Imagine: skinny dipping; sleeping over at a blondes and breakfast the next day! (Maggie's promises, not mine) Man, he must have thought xmas came a little late. It was a case of two against one, the more I was saying that we can't invite a strange boy over, the more encouraged the others were to invite him over. My attempts to explain the meaning of "one-night stand" versus "one-night-sleepover" were to no avail and strange dude is in the car rearing to go. Naturally, right?

Thank goodness for small miracles, because my request to buy food for Maggie Brown got heard. We go into the garage (Mr Lucky Included) and as we pay for the pies, it is as if my mates notice the strange boy for the first time: " Where are you off to my mate?" Hellooooo?!

The next important Piece of info was us dropping the dude off, and him running after the car. We did not bother to ask him why he was running after the car! Shame

By this time I figured Maggie may have had a little more than her quota. Luckily she was sleeping at that time, so we proceeded to bounce around on Margate beach at 5AM.

We pulled into Palm Avenue, at 6 AM. And as sooon as we hit the brakes, Maggie let loose. Suz says she was lucky to have quick feet, otherwise her shoes would have been painted a different colour!

Then Mich found out....can you spell P-R-O-B-L-E-M-S?

My humps

We heard an excellent rip off to that "My Humps" song on ECR:

My dog is really laaaaaaaazy...

My wife's name is daisy....

Last night she gave me....

Curry and Bananna!

My dop..my dop...my dop...my lovely little dop...


Now that I have torn up the entries from last year, it is time to share my postings for 2007!

Yay! Buckle up, it's going to be a great one!

Here's an update of what we did for new year's eve (I will get into the nitty gritty of the rest of my holiday later on)

We Braaied..or rather:

Katissssssssssssssssssh.....Katisssssssssssssssh (flip right-hand over twice)

Followed by fireworks on the beach...or rather:

Patish,Patish,Patish (said quickly)

Mich developed new ways of communicating, everything had an "-ish" after it! Eish!

The fireworks in Pumula beach were awesome, it was raining, but Mich and I were cuddled underneath the duvet, we had the ocean lapping in front of us...it was so great.

And: no alcohol!!!!!
(the bottle of bubbly which was intended for the evening's festivities, is still in Mich's fridge, by the way)

So I started 2007 all wholesome and bright eyed....

Cheers all!!!!!

first things first

I was cleaning out my room the other day and came accross the diary I started in 2006 ( before I was introduced to the world of blog...hee hee, I was SO primitive)

So before I start posts for the new year, allow me to share some snippets from last year first.

*Not bored
*Started exercising
*Got Joe into jogging pants

* "This is such a great age...everything is a first...there's so much to explore..I am going to have a great rest of my life..."

*Got big bag of boererusks...oooo...they were still warm!

*Hectic rain, the bridge flooded again..water halfway up our car door. The traffic cop had a loud speaker, he was saying: "Don't try...don't try...turn around!"
*Reversed out of the water

*Jhb consulate: Lunch at Killarney...I had my first pipo
*REVERSED out of my work's parking space

If anybody knows what a 'Pipo' is, please let me know..I have no idea!!!