Monday, November 26, 2007

tan accelerator works

As an unofficial brand ambassador, I feel obliged to share my experiences on a GREAT product.
Drum roll please.......
Annique's Tan accelerator.
My first weekend using it, I did not see any real results.
BUT, after a half hour in the sun on my second weekend trying it, I could see a dramatic difference.
I had tanned 'lines' within a half hour. Now, you must understand that I only tan lines if I have turned BLOOD RED after a good few hours in the sun. Then I have to wait three days for the red to go away, and THEN I will see the lines I have scorched (you can't really call it tanned) and THEN I peel a week later, and it is back to square one.
So it is worth a bash girrrrls, as it is a much safer way to tan, as you need less sun exposure.

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