Thursday, November 08, 2007


The advert I saw in the Glamour perfectly depicted how many thoughts go into a simple thing as choosing a pair of shoes..well for a girrrrl anyway...

The advert has a picture of a shoe and all these thought bubbles surrounding it:

  • Will it go with my little black dress?
  • Slacks or skirts?
  • Who designed it?
  • Will it cause blisters?
  • How inches is the heel?
  • Can I get a pair in every colour?
  • What colour should i use?
  • Is it on sale?
  • Are bows still in?
  • Will it help me get a raise?
  • Will it match my purse?
  • What does the strap say about me?
And you know what? I actually think all these things when I choose a pair of shoes.
And here are some more things I consider:
  • Will it last?
  • Will it match lots of outfits?
  • Does it make my legs look great?

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