Wednesday, November 14, 2007


The other day, I get home, to find 3 moths in my flat. 2 of which were in my bathroom.

When it came time to shower, one of the moths was sitting on the shower wall.

There was NO WAY that I was going to shower with the moth there. Imagine it suprises me mid-bathing!

Thus, I had to coax it off the shower wall.

What to do?

Water. They don't like water, right?

I use the shower door as a shield between me and the moth. I proceed to spray water on the moth, to chase it away. But he (or moths haves sexes?) sit tight. It looked like it was enjoying the water spray, actually.

Then I try something else.

Moths like light, right?

So I grab a torch, shining it on the floor, in the hopes of the moth being attracted to the light. But that moth must have been blind, cos it did not budge. It just eyeballed me with those two mothball eyes, through the shower-door-shield.

Eventually, I switch off the main light, giving up on the idea of having a shower.

And the moth decides to move on its' own, without any coaxing.

Go figure.

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