Monday, November 26, 2007

Nicolas Louw - have I blogged this?

Nicolas Louw was performing live at FIRKIN last year


One problem.

I had no idea who he was.

He came on stage, hair dripping wet (how did he get it so wet, I ask myself?) Then he started singing, and to my shame, I knew most of the songs.

With each new number, he would find a new girrl to stare and point his finger at. The said girrrl will then half-faint, but still manage to whip out her cellphone to snap a shot of her hero. And, Nicolas, being a polite ego-maniac, would pause long enough for her to fill up her whole phone memory with snaps of him.

He tried the same with me. And I just stared.
He looked a little confused at first, then he proceeded to flash me a bright smile, whipped his dripping and wet hair back..while singing:

"Wil jy my girl weeeeeeeeeees?" Bla bla bla bla  (translation for the pure-bred english people out there: Do you want to be my girrrrrrrrl?)

Nope, no thanks Nicolas.

Anyway, I don't budge.

So he looked away, and I felt a little proud of myself, seeing as though I had won the stare down.

The boyfriend bought South African music before he went overseas. He purchased a Nicolas Louw CD, and guess what? Musica gives out free posters with every CD of his.

Why? What for?

When the sales lady was about to give it to me, I though I should stop her dead with my winning stare down (the same one I had used on Nicolas)

But...I took the poster politely instead.

And chuckled to myself thinking: Only Nicolas Louw would have the distributors shove a larger-than-life poster of himself, into your hands.

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