Thursday, November 29, 2007

i miss my boy.........


another cooool website

Had an unusual dream? Want it interpreted? Try this cool website.

newest smiley


That is a bear with a hat on..

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


What I dreamt:

@ first, we were running from these crazy normal sized monkeys.

 We went into the house..and then all of a sudden, we saw bits of the normal sized monkey being torn off by something(gross...but anyway) THEN we look up out the window and saw a KING KONG sized orangutan, chowing the normal sized monkeys...and then he spotted us.

 So, the rest of the dream was spent dodging it...

And here is what it all meant:

To see a monkey in your dream, symbolizes deceitful people are working to advance their own interest. Monkeys also symbolize a playful and mischievous side of your own personality or an immature attitude.

 To see a monkey hanging or swinging from a tree, denotes that you be troubled by young ones.

Young ones...immature attitude..WONDER who I am dreaming about....

To see a house in your dream, represents your own soul and self. Specific rooms in the house indicate a specific aspect of your psyche.

My psyche is being attacked ...

By that BLOODY monkey....

To see windows in your dream, signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight.

To dream that you are looking out the window, signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness, point of view, awareness, and intuition. You may be reflecting on a decision and seeking guidance. Or you need to go out into the larger world and experience life.

Think this is my trip...'going into the larger world.."


 In particular, if you are running from an attacker or any danger, then it suggests that you are not facing and confronting your fears.


To dream that you are running with others, signifies festive and prosperous times.

wooo hooo, my trip..FIESTA

The No-diet detox

The silly season is approaching! Here is a detox plan I got out the Femina. is a LOOOOOOOOOOONG read, but worth it if you are into detoxing 


It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before you embark on a detox plan. But if you're in relatively good health and on little or no medication, you should be able to follow this two-week plan without problem.

...every day we breathe in toxins from polluted air (not to mention smoking) and eat and drink them in the form of pesticides on food and in processed foods packed with chemicals, sugar and salt. This huge toxic burden overloads the body's organs of digestion and elimination: the skin, colon, lungs, kidnets, gallbladder and, most importantly, the liver. Our bodies deal with toxins either by neutralising them or excreting them, but those that are not eliminated, due largely to an overburdened liver, build up in our fat stores.

Toxic overload can cause headaches, muscle aches, joint pains, allergies or flu-like symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritability and mental confusion. A detoxing or cleansing programme rests your overloaded organs of digestion, improving your state of health and vitality - you, only better!

Although weight loss should not be your primary motivation, detoxing is a great way to lose a few kilos by shifting deposits of stored toxins in body fat. If you visualise fat stores as rubbish bins full of toxic waste, then removing the rubbish will eliminate the need for the bins- dump the waste and lose the fat in the process!

The good news is that you don't have to fast to detox. These days it is believed that the liver is unable to cope with a complete fast due to the unprecedented pollution of food and our environment. Fasting in fact can be dangerous, releasing too many toxins into the bloodstream at once. So be kind to yourself and do this gently.

Juicing is the best way to deliver the most nutrients in a hurry and a juicer is a great aid in sustaining a healthy lifesyle...


It's important to plan your detox: start on a Friday or Saturday, or when you have some time off work. Rest is an important part of the process of detoxification, as is a peaceful state of mind. For at least the first two to three days, you should go to bed early and rise late, have little stress and some good clean fun to keep your spirits high.

Detox your food cupboard and fridge and plan your shopping list beforehand - I call it 'the pretox.' Clear out all foods that might sabbotage your efforts. You want healthy, life-giving, cleansing foods in your house and plenty of good options for when you feel peckish. Tell your friends you're having important 'me time' for the next fortnight and turn down invitations to paint the town red - you'll have lots of energy for that afterwards!

Drink plenty of water in the run-up to and during the detox. Distilled is best, but the main thing is to drink water. The same goes for food- organic is the best because it has no pesticide residues, eat loads of fresh fruit and veg anyway. Be sure to wash all foods well and buy the best quality you can find and afford.


Detoxing causes the fat stores and other tissues to release stored toxins into the blood stream, which delivers them to the various organs for disposal. In addition, giving up certain foods, such as wheat, dairy and sugar, can lead to symptoms of withdrawal. These two processes can make you feel quite sick and symptoms could include nasea, headaches, aching muscles, lethargy, mucous or other discharge, a pasty tongue, crankiness and light-headedness. You'll probably feel worst on day two and three. Don't take medication - sit it out and remind yourself that these symptoms signal your journey back to good health.


Take it easy for the first three to four days - go for strolls or swim a few laps. Exercise produces free radicals- by-products of living, much like fuel in a car produces exhaust fumes. If you produce too many when your body is trying to clear accumalated waste and existing free radicals, you can overburden your body and end up feeling awful. Step up your regimen after the first few days if you feel up to it.

Rebounding (bouncing on a mini trampoline) is one form of exercise that facilitates detoxing. It gets the lymph moving so that impurities are excreted. Your lymphatic system doesn't have the benefit of a pump (like the heart is a cardiovascular system) - your movement keeps lymph flowing. Consider investing a mini-trampoline 


Each night before bed, squeeze the juice of a lemon into half a litre of water. Drink this whenever you'd normally reach for plain water - it's a wonderful liver-cleansing aid. In the mornings, try to wake up gently and have a glass of hot lemon water straightaway. Walking up to a screeching alarm sets all the wrong chemicals in motion in the body, so try not to use one during the precious few days you've set aside to cleanse. Going to bed early will help you to automatically wake up at the right time. Sleep in itself is therapeutic and healing - there are certain activities that the body can undertake only when you're asleep, so give it the time it needs.

Before breakfast each day, mix a teaspoon of psyllium husks (available at health shops) into a big glass of water, and drink. Psyllium, from the plantain plant, is an intestinal cleanser and bulk laxative that expedites the elimination of watse and toxins and prevents constipation. Remember, don't overeat when detoxing, even when you're eating only the healthiest foods - you want to rest your system. Eat only what you need to.


Choose from one of these each day - be guided by what you feel like having. Aim for a variety and try all the options in the course of a fortnight.

  • Fresh vegetable and fruit smoothies - try celery, strawberries and apple with a few nuts tossed in the blender
  • Ice blocks with frozen banana, blueberries and a few walnuts - blend well
  • A big fruit salad with organic Bulgarian yoghurt, ground sunflower seeds and a few almonds. Choose any fruit you have in your kitchen, but not grapes.
  • A glass of vegetable juice with a fruit or two tossed in and sipped slowly. Pineapple and carrot juice is delicious and refreshing, bursting with beta carotene and digestive enzymes. Drink as much as you need.
  • If you're feeling deprived, have a portion of cooked oats with rice milk, a little organic honey and some crushed seeds
  • If you're ravenous in the mornings, add a scoop of whey protein isolate powder (available at health shops) and a spoon of lecithin granules to a punnet of blueberries and blend. The protein content will keep you going for longer. if you have blood-sugar imbalances, this option is recommended above the fruit-only breakfasts
The cleansing, detoxifying action of raw salads is one of nature's greatest gifts. They don't have to be boring though, and can contain anything fresh, whole and bursting with nutrition. Treat yourself to lots of arthichokes to improve digestion and increase bile prodcution. You could do cold soups - they're sort of like a liquid salad. Choose a different one each day:
  • A blended soup of carrots and beetroot (great liver cleansers), cold or slightly warmed on the stove, if you prefer.
  • Kale, cabbage and spinach soup, seasoned with freshly ground black pepper and sea salt
  • Baby-spinach leaves, walnuts, strawberries and roasted red-pepper strips make a tasty salad. Dress with a little extra-virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar (organic, if possible)
  • Apple, tomato and red-pepper soup - and explosion of antioxidants
  • Salad of mixed leaves, sprouts, celery and cucumber slices, dressed with fresh orange juice and a little olive oil. Sprinkle with lightly roasted pine nuts.
  • Make a lettuce wrap: fill two strong leaves with red-pepper sticks, carrot sticks and baked butternut with a mashed boiled egg and a little organic mayonaise. You can also use dandelion greens in place of lettuce to improve digestion.
  • Steamed or grilled fresh salmon served on wilted spinach and seasoned with garlic, lemon juice and herb salt. Serve with a sliced, firm ripe tomato. Oily fish supports liver function, helps the liver process fats and reduces the production of triglycerides.
Evening meals
Warm soups are great for summer detox suppers - you get the full benefit of nutritious vegetables in a form that is easy to digest. Remember that when you expend less time and energy on digestion, your body can detox more readily. Serve the soups with a small green salad - you'll sleep like a baby after this sort of meal. Make soups from the following ingredients, or similar combinations of what you have on hand.
  • Potato soup: blend steamed potatoes with parsnips, a few cashew nuts and some carrot juice
  • Green soup: blend dark-green leafy spinach with a quarter of an avocado and freshly made celery juice. Add a sprinkling of herb salt to taste
  • Tomato soup: blend tomatoes with garlic, basil leaves, a few olives and fresh orang juice
  • Cucumber soup: juice a cucumber and blend with a little tahini and lots of fresh mint leaves
  • Carrot soup: juice a few carrots, add some pulp and blend with a few pumpkin seeds and lots of coriander
  • Sunflower soup: blend red peppers with a small amount of sunflower seeds, carrot juice, onion and chives.
  • Exotic curry soup: belnd garam marsala with a dash of tumeric, cauliflower, brocolli, carrot juice and some diced vegetables (such as courgette, aubergine, onion, garlic and peppers) that have been soaking in a little lemon juice and olive oil
When you really feel you need a snack, have a mini-meal. Choose from any of the suggested meals, just have less and enough to satisfy yourself. After a few days you probably won't feel like snacking between meals.
Your evening ritual
Try to do at least one (preferably more) of the following every evening. Turn off the phone, light lots of aromatic candles, put soothing music and make the most of your me time.
Detox bath Add 1/2 cup of sea salt, 1/2 cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil to a hot bath and soak for at least half an hour. The salt will draw out toxins and the lavender will relax you. Wrap up warm and go straight to bed.
Mask it Make a mask from avocado, cucumber or oatmeal (or buy a deep-cleansing one) and slather this on your face. Relax and focus on the sensation of impurities being drawn out
Facial cleanse Clean your hands and face, and then lie down comfortably. Make tiny gentle pinches all over your face, including your eyebrows, nose and lips. This will draw oxygen to your face, leaving it looking wonderfully rosy and healthy
All-over skin treat Take a bowl of soft, celan sand. Mix a cup of olive oil and a few drops of peppermint oil. Rub this mixture into your skin, but not your face. Massage for as long as you want and then rinse. This might sound a bit strange, but you won't believe how silky it makes skin feel.
Grudge budge Go through your address book. Is anyone causing you grief? Is there something you would like to say to someone but can't? Make this the time to get it out your system! Write down all your grudges on one piece of paper. Read through it mindfully, then burn the paper. Let the problem go, forgive and relax as you focus on the cleansing feeling of carrying no bitterness towards anyone.
Dream a little Write down all your special plans for the coming six months. Pick out the most appealing one and daydream that it has already happened and you're in that moment. How do you feel, what do you look like - enjoy imaginig how good it's going to be when it happens! Thinking happy thoughts (or recalling wonderful experiences) releases endorphins, which make you feel great
AVOID sugars, alcohol, cigarettes, refined food, red meat, wheat and dairy products
INCREASE  sulphur-containing foods such as garlic, legumes, onions and eggs
ADD plenty of fibre from apples, pears, psyllium-seed husks, oat bran and legumes
INCLUDE the cruciferous family of vegetables (cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower) for their special liver-cleansing compounds.
EAT protein (fish, eggs and lean chicken) but not at supper, when your digestive system is winding down
PROTECT your liver with detoxifying foods such as arthichokes, beetroot, carrots, cucumber and celery.
SPICE your meals with tumeric, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, chilli, onion, rosemary and thyme
DRINK six to eight glasses steam-distilled water (if you can) or plain water to flush out the toxins
REPLACE good bacteria by taking a good acidophilus supplement daily for at least three months
GEAR UP your levels of glutathione, a tripeptide made up of three amino acids and responsible for eliminating toxins such as, mercury, pesticides and solvents. Good sources of glutathione are asparagus, avocado, walnuts, cabbage, brocolli, dill and cooked fish
SUPPORT your liver with blueberries, watercress, oranges, peppers, spinach, tomatoes, walnuts, almonds , dandelion, green tea and chicory
SUPPLEMENT with a good multivitamin that has magnesium, selenium, copper, zinc and Vitamin C, but no iron; a vitamin B-complex; milk-thistle capsules (between 140 and 600mg daily): and a high-dose supplement (3g minimum daily) of omega-3 fish oil. These will take the edge off many of the withdrawal symptoms, alleviate fatigue often felt on a detox and assist the liver in manufacturing gluthathione.
Alleviate withdrawal symptoms and turn your detox into a special time of pampering while your body rejuvenates itself.
  • Have a relaxing massage (especially lymph drainage) or a facial
  • Lie in the bath, with plenty of scented candles, your favourite music and fruit and vergetable sticks handy to munch as you relax
  • Treat yourself to a sauna, especially an infrared one
  • Watch a comedy- laughter is so detoxing
  • Dance to your favourite CD
  • Clean out your cupboards - this will make you more inclined to keep your insides clean too
  • Stroke a cat or dog -enjoy the warmth and affection it offers
Femina magazine

minding p's and q's

double exclamation marks !! and or double question marks ?? are rude...



Another gripe...elipses, where there should not be elipses. The three dots mean there is more to tell...which...can make some people...very...suspicious...

Happy tea

"If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands..."
My boss bought my 'Happy tea' for xmas, and this is what it says on the box:
Sceletium Tortusum root was used by South African pastorolists and hunter-gatheres as a mood-enhancing susbtance from prehistoric times.
So I thought to myself: Myself, I had better not give any of this tea to the boyfriend, it might just bring out his primal instincts.
He may then feel forced to drag me to his cave.
Who knew tea could be so 'dangerous'?

And yes, I will let you know what it actually does to you... but allow me to lock myself up in the privacy of my own home. Just now, my primal instincts get unleashed...






Research shows that guys no longer date girls from ABSA because

They are always thinking of ", tomorrow and being together forever" OR girls from FNB because they are always thinking

" can they help you (to become something better) ..."

OR girls from Nedbank because they " ... are serious about your money".

They are now dating girls from STANDARD BANK because they are

"Simpler, better and faster."  & " inspired, motivated & involved"  





                                     AND    WITH GIRLS FROM "CELLC" THEY'RE FOR "FREE ON WEEKENDS"






I just had an apricot with a worm in it..I don't care if it is 'extra protein"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The stupidest thing I did as a child

I stuck a teaspoon inbetween the gap in my teeth, to see if the teaspoon would get stuck.
Guess what?
It did.

Grooming at work

  • No excessive skin (ie. no bare arms, no cleavage, no tank tops)
  • No dangly, gypsy earrings
  • No trendy make - up (stick to neutrals or nudes)
  • Mascara, upper eyes only, lightly on the bottom lashes (you don't want to look like a doll)
  • Heels are DEFINATELY powerful, but stay away from 4-inch heels!
  • Then again, skirts are also powerful ,surprisingly. Many people have said that when you attend a meeting or interview, and want to be taken seriously, you should wear a skirt. At agencies, the girls who wear skirts make a better impression, than those who wear pants.
  • Stick to the 2-colour rule when getting dressed. (that is, only wear 2 colours at any given time)
  • Do own a smart / chic coat, like a chic trench (for winter)
I found this in some UK Glamour Magazine...

still wonder

I still wonder if the character Lara in the 'Lara Croft' game, was based on Angelina Jolie's looks.
Or if they found somebody who happened to look a lot like Lara Croft?

Monday, November 26, 2007

tan accelerator works

As an unofficial brand ambassador, I feel obliged to share my experiences on a GREAT product.
Drum roll please.......
Annique's Tan accelerator.
My first weekend using it, I did not see any real results.
BUT, after a half hour in the sun on my second weekend trying it, I could see a dramatic difference.
I had tanned 'lines' within a half hour. Now, you must understand that I only tan lines if I have turned BLOOD RED after a good few hours in the sun. Then I have to wait three days for the red to go away, and THEN I will see the lines I have scorched (you can't really call it tanned) and THEN I peel a week later, and it is back to square one.
So it is worth a bash girrrrls, as it is a much safer way to tan, as you need less sun exposure.

This is Africa

A new game show on South African television:
Eish - I Know! (that is the name of it)

seems I have lost my touch

I apologise, it seems the blog on Nicolas Louw had already been posted. I just retyped it all and posted it AGAIN.

Mmmm, maybe it is due to the fact that I have no life? That I have to dress up old stories to make them look like new ones?


from some cartoon

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear..
fuzzy wuzzy had no hair...
So...fuzzy wuzzy was not really fuzzy, was he?
(Sounds best when you say it out loud)

isn't it funny..

I are tired hey

Nicolas Louw - have I blogged this?

Nicolas Louw was performing live at FIRKIN last year


One problem.

I had no idea who he was.

He came on stage, hair dripping wet (how did he get it so wet, I ask myself?) Then he started singing, and to my shame, I knew most of the songs.

With each new number, he would find a new girrl to stare and point his finger at. The said girrrl will then half-faint, but still manage to whip out her cellphone to snap a shot of her hero. And, Nicolas, being a polite ego-maniac, would pause long enough for her to fill up her whole phone memory with snaps of him.

He tried the same with me. And I just stared.
He looked a little confused at first, then he proceeded to flash me a bright smile, whipped his dripping and wet hair back..while singing:

"Wil jy my girl weeeeeeeeeees?" Bla bla bla bla  (translation for the pure-bred english people out there: Do you want to be my girrrrrrrrl?)

Nope, no thanks Nicolas.

Anyway, I don't budge.

So he looked away, and I felt a little proud of myself, seeing as though I had won the stare down.

The boyfriend bought South African music before he went overseas. He purchased a Nicolas Louw CD, and guess what? Musica gives out free posters with every CD of his.

Why? What for?

When the sales lady was about to give it to me, I though I should stop her dead with my winning stare down (the same one I had used on Nicolas)

But...I took the poster politely instead.

And chuckled to myself thinking: Only Nicolas Louw would have the distributors shove a larger-than-life poster of himself, into your hands.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

dof vs. old fashioned

The old fashioned way of getting the printer to print faster for you?

Hitting it hard a couple of times.

The only way to get the printer to print faster for you?


Friday, November 23, 2007

My personality according to the Dr Phil test...

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical and always interesting; someone who’s constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who’ll always cheer them up and help them out.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Still DOG tired


The best spent R300 of my life

The best spent R300 of my life was the R300 I spent to go to Kanye West..
It is unanimous..

29 days to go


how can someone start irritating you so much?


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A day in the Life of San

Question to self: Do I attract drama?
Listen to my day:
It started at 06:00.
Fetched my Australian Visa after the electricity blacked out at work.
Went to have an operation.
Won a blow up bed.
Missed a hi-jacking / heist by about ten minutes.
Mmmm, I suppose all in all it was a good day in Gauteng.

I are going for an operation

5 minutes to go

I am DOG tired


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

chivalry is dead

Ok, most of us got over the fact that chivalry is dead. Not including me, but I was born old fashioned, so I guess I don't count.
Anyhoo, long gone are the days where a man would let you drive ahead of him. Unless, of course, you are looking particularly hot that day. Quite sad.
Then I have to wonder, in the days of horseback riding, did the men give the women a gap to ride ahead of them?
Or is it an ego issue? Where he thinks: this is my territory, I rule it, besides, I am faster and the superior species.
It is debateable of course, as is anything gender related.

My VISA has been APPROVED!!!!



37 DAYS to go!!!
Guys, I am going to put a detailed breakdown of what I went through to plan my overseas the blog for tips..(and mental note to myself, for future reference)

Laziness REALLY gets to me


Monday, November 19, 2007

i am soooooooooooooooo over it


work is painful this time of year, I REALLY have to push myself...but hey, this quote makes it worthwhile

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
Roger Bannister

Friday, November 16, 2007

aquarian woman

Your Aquarius woman is one in a million. She does not easily fit into society’s definition of the traditional woman, in fact she hates to be categorised in any way. She is a law unto herself and a true individualist at heart. Her personal space and freedom are sacred, thus it is not easy to pin her down. Neither should you try, since you’ll only make your own life miserable in doing so. She values her friendships and unless you learn to appreciate this facet of her life, you could end up playing second fiddle.

There is of course a unique way around this: aim to be her best friend first and secondly her lover. Her ideas of childraising and other controversial issues are way ahead of their time and although others may consider her to be a bit weird, she also is a visionary. She likes to shock people, especially those who she considers to be stuck in a rut. And is she outspoken! You may want to think twice before taking her along to a stuffy business function. She’d be much happier in front of her computer or debating a topical issue with her friends in any case.


the Aquarian man

This man is always cool, calm and collected. Nothing shocks or surprises him, since he is essentially extremely open-minded. Strange then that he can appear so rigid at times, but that is just the way he is: full of contradictions. Just when you think you know all about him, he does something that takes you by surprise. He tends to live in his mind and is much happier with an interesting conversation than an emotional confrontation. Emotions just have no logic for his scientific mind. Although he insists that he is an individualist, he is also a group animal.

His club, society, political party all gives him a sense of belonging and a sense of community. He likes to be one of the boys, but yet deep down he feels that he does not fit in. Often his viewpoints can be quite radical and way ahead of his time. He values his friends though, make sure that you count among those, as he is secretly afraid of intimacy. A friend is so much easier to deal with. He is very consistent, even though he is so unpredictable. Give him plenty of space and never fence him in, that way he’ll remain a devoted partner and father.



So, by now, you all probably know about my cookie baking obsession?
If you don't. Where have you been?
It is so FULFILLING at this point in my life. Actually, it is at such a level, that I think I may be weird...It is in the making of the dough, how it only takes 15minutes to develop a great aroma throughout the whole house...and then, of course, the amazing crunchy texture..
I bake frikking cookies twice a week people, that is how BAD and unnatural this is...
Anyhoo, I made butterfly-shaped cookies the other day for everybody at the office. But due to the way they had risen, they looked more like Africa shaped cookies.So it seems like I am proudly South African, without really even trying to be...

This is such a cool site

join for free,
and you can preview hairstyles for yourself, by uploading your own photo!

Come on youhave time


If you opened it, you have to do it. Then, send it back to the person
who sent it to you and the rest of your friends!

Two Names You go by:
1. Sanna Pan (apparently)
2. San
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. pink ballet shoes
2. Belt

Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. Mutual understanding..maybe love too? :-)
2. Somebody who knows who they are

Two of Your Favourite Things to do:
1. BAKE cookies
2. Kata Box
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. A time machine
2. mohito

Two pets you had / have:
1. Rex (my cocatiel)
2. Flounder and Sebastian (my 2 fish)
Two people who will fill this out (and the first to send it back)
1. nobody

Two things you did last night:
1. watched STEPMOM
2. Ate viennas

Two things you ate yesterday
1. Africa - shaped cookies
2. Yoghurt

People you last talked to:
1. Anita
2. Claud
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. paying for chicken
2. planning my aus trip

Two longest car rides:
1. THE TRIP TO P/SHEPSTONE With SOMEBODY (???) in the car
2. Nope, number 1, beats any trip I have ever done

Favorite Holidays:
1. Kroonpark holiday
2. Mabalingwe holiday

Two favorite beverages:
1. Woolies strawberry milkshake- it is AMAZING
2. SOCO and lime

Thursday, November 15, 2007

not bad for an in-flight menu?

Slices of smoked tuna, served with a marinated vegetable salad 

Served with Spanish dressing

Grilled chicken breast with caramelised plums, served in a cranberry reduction, accompanied with mashed potatoes, baby spinach and carrot slices

Fillet of lamb marinated in Arabic spices, combined with assorted peppers, charcoal grilled and served with a cinnamon scented sauce, accompanied with broccoli, roasted baby corn and steamed rice

A delicious dessert served with caramel sauce


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

tan accelerator

Why hasn't somebody told me about this before?

Ten minutes in the sun with this stuff on, is like being in the sun for one whole hour otherwise.

I am trying it this weekend, will let you know if it is as magical as they claim...

NO brakes!

Went ice skating with Deon last night.
Had SO much fun, cos for the first time I was not a side winder...
I shouted this every time I passed a side winder on the ice:
Hee hee hee, I are hilarious.......

I really miss my boy








Oh well, One month and 13 days to go!!! Can't wait!