Monday, September 15, 2008


I had a pie on the way to gym the other day...

and while driving, some taxi (who I -quite proudly- cut in front of) showed me a warning finger, then sped off...

And here's me, with a mouthful of pie, shrugging my shoulders at him:

"What? Can't a girl cut in front of a taxi, listen to loud music, and stare at you blankly, with a mouthful of cheese pie?"

I arrive at gym, greeted by the customary: "Sho! You're keys are heavy" When the reception swipes my card...

"What? You never lock your keys in your car, and now have to make the key bundle really heavy, so you don't lock them in all the time?"

I get onto the treadmill, I unzip the hoodie, and out come all the pie flakes...the guy next to me, staring..

"What? Have you never eaten a pie for lunch, before coming to gym, and then have the evidence spill onto the gym equipment?"

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