Monday, September 15, 2008

interesting concepts in Psychology

I am busy studying psychopathologies. Examples of these would be Schizophrenia, bipolar, OCD..
And apparently, reading up on this stuff can make you loony- cos people start associating their own behaviour with that of the pathologies...
So, one fine day, you have a long and intruiging conversation with the lovely Russian friend of yours...and then you realise..the friendly Russian, is actually one of your split personalities...and that the person only exists to you. Freaky stuff!
I also read the following:
Aggresive instincts can be transformed in a socially acceptable way  by choosing a career of a SURGEON or a proffessional boxer. They go on to say, that these people usually had urges to KILL their siblings...and then chose these professions in later life...This gives a new spin on the OJ Simpson case?
And then of course, there are interesting references made to the archetypes:  Animus and Anima, these characteristics emerge when people of the opposite sex, interact with one another. For example, Animus, would be the male characteristics, which come to the surface when females interact with men...and of course the opposite occurs for men, regarding Anima...which explains why I am a little more 'macho' when I speak to dudes, and more sensitive when I speak to women

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