Tuesday, March 06, 2007

sans blunders

I suffer from malapropism, I have discovered recently. That is a condition, where you swop letters and words around and it changes the meaning of what you were trying to say....
For example, the other day, I wanted to order a spinach and feta pie. But instead, I asked for a Finish and Speta Pie!
And I tried to remember where my friend's mom lived and I asked him if it was: "Skeurbuik" It is actually "Skeurpoort"
The word I used is actually a disease called Scurvey in english!
Ha, ha ha...
So, as to replace "Daily Dose" I will now put in Sans blunders!
You have to laugh at yourself every now and then!


Mishie said...

haha....that gave me a gooooood laugh ...thank you!
aggg shame you got bitten by a monkey......owwww...and eeewww....but just remember that i do have all those fitness secrets....will have to blog a page about your questions......so make a list of questions and i'll blog it........ps it is 8weeks till you must change your programe....for the rest..till next time...ps jacky gave birth to jonothen today..new cousin

Mel said...

hey you also suffer from "spooneritis"

... you use spoonerisms!

San Mari

Man Sari haha.... funny :-)
you make me laugh dearie. looking forward to more blunders.

one from me ... i was leading worship at church and i was supposed to sing the line "heavenly storehouses laden with snow" and i sang "heavenly whorehouses laden with snow"

heavenly whorehouses.... now that's an interesting concept.