Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Few people like hospitals, I am one of those people.
I felt guilty for wanting a parking space close to the entrance, seeing as though I was not going for an emergency and was still able to drive myself.
I felt guilty for being there entirely, seeing as though some people had bloodied heads and looked like they needed immediate attention.
And in the end, I felt a little stupid, seeing as though the doctor giggled at me, because of the nature of my visit. (The monkey bite)
You try telling somebody the following with a straight face:
"I got bitten by a monkey."
Even better is when they ask you where you got bitten and you show them the little scrape on your finger...at least I brightened up the casualty departments' day
Better safe than sorry, though, I don't want to die, because I was stupid or neglegant. I want to die for a decent reason at least.
I know it soudns a little depressing, but that is how I see it!

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