Tuesday, March 06, 2007

San in the wild

Imagine me in the wild, untamed, Gauteng bushveld...

We went-a-camping on the weekend, for one of our mates' 21st's. It was awesome.

Well, I set up a tent


in heels (true San-Style)


while still having my portable mirror in my handbag and a hairdryer..

And just to reassure you that I did not cheat the whole "roughing-it" concept, I can proudly say, that I did not use my hair dryer once.

Although I was really tempted..I tried to avoid the portable mirror and other reflective surfaces as to avoid seeing what I looked like!

It was one of those jam packed weekends that you would talk about for ages.

Friday was chilled and quite normal..we drank a little, ate a little and saved ourselves for the next evening..

Saturday morning, everybody had a champagne breakfast.

I started my "happy 21st Deon" campaign (my aim was to wish him a happy 21st, 21 times...I only reached my goal at 11 that evening, quite ambitious)

Afterwards we went to the snake park. It was immensely entertaining. The poor instructor was so..Afrikaans!


"If the snake bites you, your leg will just swollen and swollen and swollen, until you have to have it amputated!"

Here's another one:

"The snake charmer plays to the cobra on his fleet. It is not actually the sound of the fleet that makes the snake sway, but the movement of the fleet" (meaning flute)

I think the same guy was in charge of the signage around the snake park too:


..on the bearded Dragons cage


...written on a rock in the Cape Cobra cage


..written on a rock in another snake's cage

HA HA HA HA...I have to publish some pictures for you! Seeing is believing...

Claud and I were running around the snake park, trying to find spelling mistakes. HA HA HA, we are such nerds!

For the rest of the weekend, I will post another blog!

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