Thursday, March 29, 2007

So you think you are clever?

Don't insult my intelligence, cos I WILL make a point of returning the favour... 

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

lucky number 7

I have entered two competitions this month...
The 7de Laan R7 000 / day competition
The 7-day get away at a hotel
Let's hope 7 is my lucky number!

startling discovery

Technically speaking, I only had Afrikaans up and til standard five...
Coz in the English High School, the level of Afrikaans did not get any more difficult
(ok, this is strictly from an Afrikaans point of view, no offence to my mates)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007




So you go out for dinner...
Pretty normal kind of thing...
I mean you eat every day...
Then he asks you the next day if you enjoyed your steak from the night before..thoughtful...he is concerned about my digestive system?
And are smitten...Who knew that would do it for me?
Maggie would probably ascribe it to my Afrikaans nature? (we like our meat...!...?) Though, my carniverous habits are quite limited...maybe it is a little bit less superficial than that?

my e-mail buddy aka DUDE :-)

Hee hee, so I have an e-mail buddy and sometimes I take a little long to reply to his mails...
This is what he has to say:

Posted in Classifieds….

 E-mail buddy wanted.

 My email buddy has gone quiet on me.

 I require the service of an English or Afrikaans speaking female.


  • She must reply on e-mails expeditiously
  • She may never call me dude.
  • No issues!!! Please!
  • She must be witty
  • She must have great comebacks
  • An interesting Blog would be a bonus

ever had your e-mail display the following characteristics?

This is a mail sent to me by my e-mail...I think my mail also had a crush on me, but, alas...

*****Dramatized sigh...*****

It gave up on me...

at least it apologizes (to spare my feelings? I wonder)

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at

I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Your message was bounced by our server.

If you have any other queries please contact our support:

ha ha ha...





A little clarity please?

For a layered look with no effort at all, take advantage of a Foschini favourite, the singlet (shown on the picture) team this with a wide leg pant or boyfriend denim jeans; fashionable and very easy to wear.
Mel, I think you mentioned something about boyfriend jeans?
What the heck is it?

 Do they make your booty delicious?



you gotta love being a girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl

>>go to "in fashion"
click on the doll and then the clothes you want her to wear....
you get to dress your doll up...oooh!
Mwah ha ha

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sharing is caring...bla bla bla

I have not blogged in a while, and now I am feeling a little shy to share...
Hee hee
So, Um, how is the weather..
We are having a semi-cloudy day in Fourways and I am just about to have lunch...
Mmmm...that is about as good as you are going to get until I get over my stage fright

So I am dating again..

...and he is awesome!


Friday, March 16, 2007

She bounced

Clay and I found interesting ways of entertaining ourselves while waiting for Michelle to arrive...

Her plane was delayed

We delivered crit on the other people waiting

I took random photo's of people walking through the boarding gates

Held up the card I had bought for Mich, so as to confuse the foreigners (the ones that are looking for their chaffeurs or taxi drivers)

After waiting some time, we saw a lady walk through the doors and she bounced when she saw her partner

Clay and I agreed, that Mich HAD BETTER bounc when she saw us!

And when she walked through the doors, she bounced! (much to our amusement)

Sans Snippet

Sans Snippet
My flatmate made this observation today:
I always whistle the same tune every time, but when I sing, it is a different song every time 


Maggie Brown having said that she likes my blog, has inspired me to continue writing my piece...
Thanks mizz Brown!

You can leave YOUR hat on

What would yo do if everybody was wearing a hat and drinking alcohol by "The Yard"
Join in, of course!
Mich, Clay and me had a BLAST on Friday night,
Being a bit silly, we made up that each of the letters to the words "The Yard" had a meaning. For example, "T" is for Tequilla, "H" is for happy...
well, you get the point...the last letter "D" stands for DRUNK!
(Ok, not that it did much for me, but any way)
Thanks Clay for looking after us so nicely, you went through so much trouble...


No one could have experienced to the fullest the true sense of achievement and satisfaction, who have never pursued and successfully caught his tail
                                                                                                    -Rosalind Wilcher -


One of my greatest memories with Michelle, was when we were at Backstage.
She said to me that there was a foam party happening. 
Before I could ask questions, she pulled me into the foam.
It was that exact moment and the expression that went with it, which I thought was awesome.
It is what girls are all about 

Sans snippet

Sans Snippet
Two of Adam Sandler's movies have made me cry...
50 first dates and Click


A little boy is being bounced on her hip
He spots the twinkling light of an aeroplane in the night sky
He giggles and points
The people on the plane are unaware of the pleasure they have caused
the universe smiles...
Mich: I wrote this about Nicolas when we were still in High School , I came across it the other day...
You always told me how he spotted birds and planes, that you couldn't even see with the naked eye, until the things were closer!


"What do you call Pink and White Marshmallows?"
Quote: Mya (a very special 7 year old girl)

Life, well, San's life

Life is all about:
-Laughing till your pink
-Getting chocolate for your friend (when she least expects it)
-Drawing bunnies with your finger, when the shower is all steamed up
-Not losing yourself
It is also about decluttering
...getting those negatives (From a high school sleep over developed)
...finally putting up that woodwork clock from class
Life is all about moving forward and self improvement.
And that is life, well San's life at least...

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I just remembered when I got mooned in a mall's parking lot last year.
I was minding my own business, waiting for my lift, when this guy ran up to me and mooned me...
I was so disgusted and went to fetch a security guard.
By the time we got back to the scene of the crime, the guy had already left..

news room

Feels like I am working in a newsroom. 
I sit at my desk, so everybody just sees my top half. (like the section of the news presenters we see on the TV)
Yesterday, I went up and til lunch time before anybody noticed that I was actually wearing a dress. (they thought I was wearing a top and long pants)
just thought I would blog that...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

living the life

I signed up for Woolies home shopping!  Love it
Look at what meals I can make:

hmmm, living the life...

can't wait for the delivery man to stop at my door!

A disgrace to South African TV

Noeleen Mohlawane Sango (however you spell her name)
Makes me cringe..
She should be banned from interviewing foreigners. Just now they will think that all South Africans are dim witted, unsympathetic people.
Take yesterday for example, the topic was euthanisia and assisted death. The caller phones in to tell of how her dad was on life support and she had to make the choice to pull the plug...very emotional story,as you well can imagine.
Noeleen pipes up: "Please could you hurry up talking and shorten your story..."
How empathetic..
She has limited People skills..great poepol skills though! I watch it loyally every evening, just to get cracked up!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

sans blunders

I suffer from malapropism, I have discovered recently. That is a condition, where you swop letters and words around and it changes the meaning of what you were trying to say....
For example, the other day, I wanted to order a spinach and feta pie. But instead, I asked for a Finish and Speta Pie!
And I tried to remember where my friend's mom lived and I asked him if it was: "Skeurbuik" It is actually "Skeurpoort"
The word I used is actually a disease called Scurvey in english!
Ha, ha ha...
So, as to replace "Daily Dose" I will now put in Sans blunders!
You have to laugh at yourself every now and then!

San in the wild

Imagine me in the wild, untamed, Gauteng bushveld...

We went-a-camping on the weekend, for one of our mates' 21st's. It was awesome.

Well, I set up a tent


in heels (true San-Style)


while still having my portable mirror in my handbag and a hairdryer..

And just to reassure you that I did not cheat the whole "roughing-it" concept, I can proudly say, that I did not use my hair dryer once.

Although I was really tempted..I tried to avoid the portable mirror and other reflective surfaces as to avoid seeing what I looked like!

It was one of those jam packed weekends that you would talk about for ages.

Friday was chilled and quite normal..we drank a little, ate a little and saved ourselves for the next evening..

Saturday morning, everybody had a champagne breakfast.

I started my "happy 21st Deon" campaign (my aim was to wish him a happy 21st, 21 times...I only reached my goal at 11 that evening, quite ambitious)

Afterwards we went to the snake park. It was immensely entertaining. The poor instructor was so..Afrikaans!


"If the snake bites you, your leg will just swollen and swollen and swollen, until you have to have it amputated!"

Here's another one:

"The snake charmer plays to the cobra on his fleet. It is not actually the sound of the fleet that makes the snake sway, but the movement of the fleet" (meaning flute)

I think the same guy was in charge of the signage around the snake park too:


..on the bearded Dragons cage


...written on a rock in the Cape Cobra cage


..written on a rock in another snake's cage

HA HA HA HA...I have to publish some pictures for you! Seeing is believing...

Claud and I were running around the snake park, trying to find spelling mistakes. HA HA HA, we are such nerds!

For the rest of the weekend, I will post another blog!

Beware the dreaded plateau

I was reading the Shape Magazine, and it mentioned that:
"..if you recycle the same exercize regime, the dreaded plateau is bound to develop"
Now, I can just imagine the fitness bunnies giggling amongst themselves and knowledgeably agree that the plateau is indeed unfavourable.
Me, on the other hand, I am thinking: What the heck is it? Sounds frikking awful, is it contageous and is it the reason I don't look like the supermodel I am destined to be?
I know that you cannot blindly follow the same exercise for a long period of time. But then, the question is, how long can you stick to a programme at a time, before it becomes a routine to your body?
And another life long mystery is whether exercise must hurt for it to be effective? Do you have to be stiff the next day?


Few people like hospitals, I am one of those people.
I felt guilty for wanting a parking space close to the entrance, seeing as though I was not going for an emergency and was still able to drive myself.
I felt guilty for being there entirely, seeing as though some people had bloodied heads and looked like they needed immediate attention.
And in the end, I felt a little stupid, seeing as though the doctor giggled at me, because of the nature of my visit. (The monkey bite)
You try telling somebody the following with a straight face:
"I got bitten by a monkey."
Even better is when they ask you where you got bitten and you show them the little scrape on your least I brightened up the casualty departments' day
Better safe than sorry, though, I don't want to die, because I was stupid or neglegant. I want to die for a decent reason at least.
I know it soudns a little depressing, but that is how I see it!

monkey bite..harties

When people say to you: "Pat the monkey, it is tame"

Don't do it!

That is how I got bitten...

On a lighter note, here is the view from the house at Harties, the home of the monkey...

just for your info

The most misspelt word out of the 105 people's CV's I have typed so far...
(yes, I have typed 105 CV's in a month and half)
The most misspelt word is:
Liaison...people always miss the second 'i'
Yeah, I know, I notice the weirdest things!

Friday, March 02, 2007

ice age

diego-'..the pink thing is mine!'
sid-'actually,the pink thing belongs to us'

tee hee! from now on,i'm going 2 refer 2 babies as pink things!

For super low premiums, click here

box it

put your feelings and wrong-doings in a box. forget about the box and get
told once a week how you aren't accountable for having a full box. must be
frikking awesome.

For super low premiums, click here

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Ever felt trapped?
It is a terrible feeling...

cheesy news

I thought this to be most interesting:
I came across the CV of the person who has negotiated the following deal:
"Negotiated with Woolworth's to supply them with Tusser's cheese under the Tusser's brand - it is still the only cheese brand that is not called Woolworth's cheese."


If you like bad boys, dancing and are a bit of a romantic, this is the movie to watch.


I really got into the movie and did a few dance moves while I was taking a shower.

Swish, swish and TURN…

Hee hee, ok, have to admit. I don’t sing in the shower…I dance in there! Now you know…ahem…a bit embarrassed now!

It's all just colour anyway (that is my tag line for my art collection)

I did my first painting of the year.

It’s called “Breakfast @ CC”

honouring memories

My ex-flatmate and I used to jog around the block in the evenings.

When we were done and returned home afterward, we would take the long way around to get to our unit.

On the way there were speed humps, those big round silver ones. And we used to hop-jump on them as a ritual after the jog. I know it sounds silly, but it is the silly things that makes us who we are…

At the shopping mall close to my new house, they also have those speed humps.

I feel compelled to hop-jump on them, when walking past.

more signage

On a mango box: “KOU-GOU Mangoes”





 A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license. First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test The optician showed him a card with the letters 

'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'  "Can you read this?" the optician asked. "Read it?" the Polish guy replied, "I know the guy."


one small step

I drilled holes into my walls!


I phoned my mom beforehand for some advice and moral support.


She did not prove to be very helpful


Her advice:

“When the drill connects with the wall, it feels icky, so I suggest you close your eyes”


Um, yes, let’s close our eyes when working with a high powered tool.


My next attempt at mental preparation was to SMS everybody:


“I am about to drill my first hole (ever) One small step for San, one giant leap for womankind-YEAH! Hope I don’t lose a finger..”


Presently I am staring at two perfectly centered self-tapping screws



PEst detectivE

The nastiest bug planted itself on my bathroom blind the other day…


It was big with feelers and tribal patterns on its’ body..voodoo bug, I tell you


It (of course) strategically placed itself on the blind right next to the loo


At least my flat mate is not scared of bugs. She got it off the blind with one expert sweep of the broom.



“Blog on!”


I Like it..


Bongo drums


How many of you have seen bongo drummers in action?


Do yourself a favour and go see them!


The entertainers I saw put water on their drums and played a set




Now that does it for me as much as a Gti’s gearbox does...





I watched the Bratz toon this morning


To prove that I am a mature young woman (despite the fact that toons still excite me)

…I analyzed the toon


The Bratz are teen fashion super hero’s


Their arch enemy is a blonde toon with a tiny waist and big bahoona’s. She loves the colour pink and hates carbohydrates. (Barbie!)


The Enemy/Barbie-clone tried to take over Styleville by turning everybody into Pink Zombie’s.


In one snippet, she dictates to the zombie followers she managed to attract:


“You will only wear pink! And nobody is allowed any carbs!!!”


Naturally, Bratz save the day…


And to punish the Barbie-clone: they made her eat a burger


Oh no, the carbs!!!


Must be fun to be a cartoon writer nowadays



Sangoma’s are huge nature conservationists.


When they dig up plants for medicinal purposes, they don not dig out the entire plant. They only take what is needed and still leave a big enough part of the plant, for it to continue growing.

The most interesting fact is that they then place a R1 or R2 coin close to the roots, before recovering it with soil.


This acts as a blessing


Thanks to Gwen Stefani, I now have to do the following:


After I say the word bananas (a word I use surprisingly often)

I now have to spell it out afterwards




My newest saying is:


(ve vatched Austin Powers over ze veekend)


I am extending my vocabulary: (as you may have noticed in this post)


*Namestay (Nah-meh-stay) Means hello or goodbye in an Eastern language

*Supre: “super” in Yugoslavian




The table, while I was priming and scraping...

and this is the after!
The chair...

and after!

By day I am a good little office worker..

But by night…I am a renovator, equipped with mean tools and a scraper (and a stunning hairstyle of course)

It has been bugging me that my furniture does not match. And when I was unleashed in the magical world of builder’s warehouse the other day…

I *mos bought varnish stripper!

And I have been spending my evenings stripping furniture…

I am so proud of myself

*NOTE TO MY UK FRIEND: “mos” is an Afrikaans word, it means “of course” or “as you would know”

Use it in conversation and amaze your friends! Sorry, don’t mean to patronize you!

ello vodaCom

I whipped out my Sound Check 8 over the weekend (don’t ask why)


‘Ma Baker-freeze, put your hands in the air and gimme all your money..’




And then, out of nowhere: this song comes on:


“I don’t know what he does to make you cry, but I will be the one to make you smile!

I don’t have a fancy car to get to you, I will walk a thousand miles…

But if you were my girl..”


It is THAT bloody song!

The ONE Vodacom plays on repeat when you are put on hold for forty minutes (not exaggerating)


Aren’t we in 2007?

And isn’t SoundCheck on number 58?


Ello?  Vodacom!


I am such a dedicated little worker...

I had the hick up's just now and I still did a reference check (much to the referent’s amusement)






Hey my maatjie...

Just to let you know I do check your blog everyday...

I feel your PJ pain..ok, well,not really..I have never had to worry about posing in my PJ's in front of supermodels!


I can't post comments on anybody's blog, I r so jammer!

Sans snippet

I LOVE tools...

I got so excited, because I was inside Builder's warehouse!

One day I will own a workshop (and a walk-in wardrobe, just to balance out the testosterone-type hobby I have!)