Thursday, February 08, 2007


This is one for Mel...
My attempts at trying to explain Casper de Vries jokes to people has hardly been successful so far.
Thus, me trying to do it now, is quite risky..I am going out on a limb here...
Cassie was talking about different accents and cultures. He says the Americans applaud for everything (think about all the American talk shows)
For instance, Presenters would ask an audience member where he comes from, and he would reply Kansas / whatever and everyone would applaud and cheer.
"Give me a K ! gimme an - A ! Gimme a .....Yeah! Kansas!"
..and so on
To prove how different South African audiences are, Casper asked one of the South African audience members where he comes from, he replied 'Welkom' The audience was dead quiet.
Proves a point doesn't it?
Then Cassie took the idea further (he always does that, I love his sense of humour)
He says that the Americans cheer for could ask somebody what they are busy doing, and the person would reply:
" I just had breakfast"
And the presenter and audience would cheer on it:
Ok, you are probably all sitting there, thinking, San, WHAT are you trying to say, it is not funny..but, if you know me well enough, you would know I am not good at telling jokes.
On that note: What is brown and flat and stuck to the bottom of an elephant's foot?
A bushman that was too slow...
(Hee hee, just had to throw in that one liner..)

1 comment:

Mel said...

I am in Indiana!

yeah Indiana! Gimme an I....!!!! Gimme an N
People from Indiana are called Hooisers... and no one knows where that name came from. Fun state to live in.

I shoot Americans like that :-) Just joking. Thanks for the laugh!