Friday, February 09, 2007

All recipients

Claud sends the following e-mail to all of us:
Don't respond to all  - just me !
All you have to do is Email me one memory that you and I had together.
It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you can remember!
Next, send this to all of your friends and see how many people have a memory about you.
It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses
One of the recepients replies to EVERYBODY:
ur ten step move

ps. happy birthday sister :)


Somebody else (one of the 'All Recipients') says:

We would all like to know about your 10 step move!!

Indulge all.............!!!!!

Kind Regards,

Claudette says:


It’s a secret way of catching men!

Kind Regards,

Obviously, now everybody is interested and the singles start mailing:

I need to know what your ten step move is. Help me honey, I am newly single

Many Thanks,

And the singles reply to one another:


I am also single, not newly - Perhaps we can teach each other moves......

Kind Regards,

And all the while, Poor Fred (one of the "all recipients" is out of the office) We just keep getting this automated reply from his e-mail box:

I am currently on leave and will be returning to the office on the 26th February 2007. I will not have access to my mails during this time. For any work related matters you may contact ...





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