Monday, July 02, 2007


I must blog about the strange dream I had last night,
The boyfriend and I were in an ancient house. The ceilings were high and the furniture and columns within the house was made out a dark wood. The room was old and dark. The house seemed to change and have 'holes' in it. The kind of holes a painter leaves, when he does not complete a painting.
And we were on somebody else's turf.
There were grey stables outside and the horses in the stables were there one minute and gone the next.
The feast set on the table was also there one minute and gone the next.
The room we were in, had a blue hospital blanket on the bed, and whenever we tried to go to sleep, we would hear singing, and the hushed voices of people looking over us. Hundreds of different people. And it seemed like the boyfriend was not too worried about any of this.
It was one of those realistic dreams, that haunts you...

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