Thursday, July 12, 2007


You all know how much I love funny signage, and here is the latest I saw in the Ladies at Virgin Active:

"Dear Ladies, as a common courtesey to fellow gym-goers, please refrain from dying your hair or washing clothes in the washing basins,
Thank you,
The Virgin Active Team"

Ugh, and let me just say that some of these "ladies" can't be classified as such, they do their make up in the NUDE! 
Now before your imaginations run wild, especially the boys, who are imagining bouncy supermodels,
Let me explain to you: 
 these naked women are huge blips who can lose their eye liner in their fat rolls or compress powder in between those rolls (Why do you need to do make up in the nude anyway?)

And the other day, I saw someone (yes, they were naked too) sitting on a bench, with nail clippers, pulling off dead skin from her heels...

I think Virgin Active should spend their signage budget on changing the sign board "Ladies" to something more appropriate...I will leave this one up to your imaginations!

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