Thursday, December 28, 2006

row row row ur boat

I went for a boat ride/ dhingy ride? on the Umzimkulu river today...

It was so much fun, I screamed like a little cripple girl...Claudette was so sweet, she took a Spar plastic bag for me to wrap my foot in, so it wouldn't get wet.

the foot

So I pulled all my best latino moves last night and I had such a "Along came Polly" movie moment. This guy danced very well and did not try any moves, except dance ones.

But then....I stepped in a glass shard and cut my foot open. Only when we cleaned off the blood, did we realise that it was possibly a case for stitches. So we sped off to casualty. The nurse thought we were all drunk. I don't blame her. When they put on the antiseptic, I just giggled, it was so sore. I have never had pain revert my to laughter in my entire life...

And now I am like a little cripple girl..I think if I make a sign and put it around my neck, some people will feel sorry for me tomorrow night and buy me free drinks in Backstage? Mmmm, worth a shot. I am already going to go out in my pink fluffy slippers, coz those are the only shoes I can wear at this stage.

This is such a super dodge thing that has happened to me...I AM A GOOD GIRL....SOS

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Desperate Housewife seeks...

So, I really have been giving my 'trou-man' a lot of thought lately...

Maybe coz I am on dating buzz, there you get to sum up each guy...shame, they are all having such a hard time, because I am really hard to convince and very critical, because I have to protect myself from the scum bags out there

...I am not a witch, I just really love myself again...and i don't particularly want to share myself with any old idiot, even if it will be fun to have a toy boy...there is a 19 year old who is willing...he invited me for coffee...ha ha..I thought it hilarious in a Desperate Housewives kind of way...well, needless to say girls, I did not go, I think I broke his heart, but...I have standards..and he doesn't match up to the criteria..I have been getting tons of offers for 'coffee' I don't know what it is, I think I am giving off be-mine hormones.

Getting back to the "want to join me for coffee" statement, my argument is that us south coast girls are used to other have to ask if I want to go for a walk on the beach..ha other words no chance for the Joburg boys...ooops..I'm in margate

The mozzies are eating me alive...I think I will have to go for a blood transfusion after this help

Daily Dose of Man

Daily Dose
The perfect guy will not treat you differently in front of his friends...


I am blogging at Mich's place, I think she started noticing the withdrawel symptoms already, shame. So now instead of physically talking to her, I am writing stuff I know she will read later on...weird age I am living in...

So...on the drive here, I sat next to a French dude. At first I thought, how normal! He looks respectable..then..he takes off his shoes...and goes to sleep..he was such an inconsiderate man, I had to climb over him to go and wee...He did not budge, oh and he snored!!

But I am here, and I am already achieving what I came here to do: Get grounded and remember who I am...

Friday, December 15, 2006

mind over matter

It doesn't matter anymore that you never saw me for who I was
It doesn't matter anymore that I know see you for who you are
It doesn't matter anymore that you haven't heard my stories
It doesn't matter anymore that I don't listen to your stories
It doesn't matter anymore that it won't be forever
It doesn't matter that we won't ever be...


You don't matter anymore

message to monster

aids is not a myth

i r like to being...


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Maaikie

Very cool and funny and... (Ok can I stop now? I know she is reading this, coz I just gave her my blogging address!)
Seriously, she is real funky, we worked together for a year. Well if you could have called it work...
And we get up to missions, refer to my earlier blog on foxi nax and Presley's..
By the way: she is available too! Sorry, girls, the man of your dreams might just come accross my little blog..
When I blog about my mates, it feels like I am putting in singles ads for them...Should I mention she cooks very well too? And she is house trained?






Fw: Re: FW:FW : F: OFF :-)

Ok some of them are good, and my closest friends know which ones will tickle my fancy.

To the rest of you? Get a clue about my stand point on forwarding e-mails..if you don't, may you get a tropical disease!

Let's take the other day for example:

The Heading: Personality Test


1. What is your favourite colour (Yellow)
2. What is your favourite animal (birdie)
3. What is your favourite number (48)

Now...for the analysis...

Based on my answers, they could tell that I am strong and fun and loud and peaceful and easily angered and a thinker and somebody who acts before they think...

Oh and listen to this one: I am going to date 48 people before I find Mister Right and I have to fw the e-mail to 48 people within 48 minutes or else I won't meet Mr Right (or I'd lose a testicle..or something to that effect)

How ridiculous
and: ... strangely depressing...

Anbybody know 47 eligible guys?
If you don't let me know within the next 2 - 5 years...something extremely CRAPPY will happen to you


Another new feauture to my blog will be:


Dreams are so interesting..think I'll give you updates on the really cool ones.

The other night I dreamt that Paris Hilton (I actually really dig her) was doing make overs at our very own BP in Centurion. How cool is that?

Daily Dose of Man

I have come up with a personal San measure of the perfect next boyfriend can just read through it, and if he doesn't score well, we can call it off already, from the get-go! Ok, we all know I'm not THAT superficial. could work, right?

I think I'll make this one a regular...

I'll call it: Daily Dose of Man

-A guy that can read your blog and still like you
-A guy that makes you discover more about a blog does
-A blog..I mean..guy that...Ok, can't think of any more, will keep you posted

Sans snippet

San's snippet #9

When I start cleaning my know there is trouble coming

Mizz Brown

On Maggie:

-You'll fall in love with her, the instant you meet her
-She is very ... innovative. She is currently doing catering for the people at her work and making a fortune off it ( ha ha, you gotta love it)
-She is spantaneous, smart and available ( hee hee)

And she is in Gauteng for a while...

If she ever stumbles accross this site, I'm sure she'll want to know if she can advertise on it!

And, yes you can Maggie..

San's Escourt agency

I have been going on soooooooooooo many blind dates with my mates...
to ensure the guy is not after one thing....
or if they don't care, that he is cute sober too.
I'm going on another one tonight...
I think I should start charging..or maybe THEY should start charging?

cool watermelon

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Just thought I would share what I am wearing today:

Pink summer shift dress: Edgars (normal price: R260-00) (I got it on sale for R60-00)

LEATHER slip on sandals : Edgars (normal price: R180-00) ( I got it...on sale...for R40-00)

I m soooo cheap...

Love it!




Sheppie ROX

Sooooooooo...Crouchie and I haven't seen each other in ages, right?
Guess who shows up on Saturday night, wearing an almost identical outfit? Yup, Claudette!

And she packs her PJ's in a plastic bag (my mom also taught me that one!) and brings her own towel...I hope she doesn't kill me for publishing these details..well after the shower cap pic on her blog, I am sure she can handle everything!

Well, the point I am trying to make is that there are more of me out there! I was starting to lose all hope, but, now I have faith again!

And we are both good girrrrrrrrrrrls, well, semi-good girls. We know when and how to let loose!

So I guess it wasn't that bad growing up in Port Shepstone and I finally realised what the amazing thing about that place is. (The very same thing I used to hate about it, actually)

It never changes.

I think that is where us South Coast girls get our 'groundedness'. We don't change much and we are geniune...

So I can't wait to go there!Yeah, you all thought I was going to go to CTN...but financial matters don't allow it. I thought I was not going to have a holiday at all...this is the BEST xmas present EVER!!!

SO it's back to the roots..and I am PROUDLY PORT SHEPSTONIAN!

Sans snippet

San's snippet #8

I dance to french music when I am home alone...

Sans snippet

San's snippet #7

I never wear watches, but I always want to know what the time is

In case you were wondering..

So I am doing temp work for attorneys until the 15th...

It is so, I feel like an idiot every day of my life..but: I know I am talented in other spheres, so it is OK!

Thereafter, I am going to sell my soul to News Cafe, then I am going to start selling my stuff...

And then...I'm stopping off at my best friends wedding...

And then: the next chapter in San's life...England!

Will keep y'all posted!

if only all the reindeer were as good looking...


Mmmmm...considering there is a creme soda shortage in Gauteng: this is a rare photo.

Claudette and I found Creme Soda in Edenvale...A-MA-ZING

And I found some at Barnyard, thank goodness, I was suffering through the show...It was a good show (Rock me Amadeus) but..I overdid it on the weekend, with gummy bear juice! So I was comatized and found it hard to focus towards the end.

creme soda

us: secret SAN - ta

me holding gummy berry juice...exhibit A

the number 3

So why do things have to happen in three's before I get the message in my life?

strike 1: Boyfiend becomes X
strike 2: I get retrenched
strike 3: My flatmates are all scattering
and you all know what comes after strike 3, right? You are out! it is like I have been seperated from everything that has been so familiar in my I am forced to make a new start, to get out.

Which is why England is not so scary for is time

i r back!

Yay..I finally managed to sort out these cookies!

And I r back to blogging, my loyal fans!