Monday, December 08, 2008

New year's 2003 - Current

End of 2007 - Location: Perth WA, watching fireworks on the banks of the Swan river. I celebrated 2008 before every South African!
End of 2006 - I think I was at Michelle's, Location; watching fireworks on the beach on the South Coast, celebrating 2007 with sand inbetween my toes and rain on my back
End of 2005 - Location: With Michelle again? Location: Sea Park. Watching little boats with candles on them go down the river, celebrating 2006 with lots of hope for the future
End of 2004 - Location: Casino in Secunda, Free State (in other words: 5 degrees south of nowhere) Built up to 2005 with a formal dinner, and followed the new year in with a Scott playing on bag pipes (The whole dinner party followed the bagpipe player - in a long line throughout the casino)
End of 2003 - Location: Dodgy pub in Valhalla, Pretoria (with Michelle) We saw in the new year without a drop of alcohol, cos our new year's resolution was to quit drinking! ha ha - we were so silly

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