Thursday, November 27, 2008

the stink with a personality

It's exam time, I am stressed enough about passing, and taking into consideration that I only STARTED studying two days before...I am freaking out!
And then, as Murphy would have it- I have to sit next to somebody who has not been practicing personal hygiene for years! The stink hits me! It is bad - it wafts in and out of my nasal cavity...the wafting has a two-fold effect:
1. I can't get used to the smell, cos it comes and goes and comes and goes! 
And 2. It is really making me ill
It has personality! It tunes - "Howzit! My name is stench-of-death-dead-rats-and-rotting..and I will be making you lose concentration in your exam today!"
And boy- did it succeed!
I tried to fend off the smell by keeping my fingers under my nose, then sharpening my pencil and keeping the pencil under my nose- to try get the fresh wood smell, but that death smell kept creeping into my nostrils, it overpowered all!
And hour and a half later, I started going green and blue. Green from wanting to hurl and blue from trying to hold my breath.
And then - the guy leaves...good riddance...and there's the smell...waving and smiling at me, patting itself on the back, for a job well done.



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