Wednesday, November 05, 2008

2008 in a nutshell

A horrible year...

  1. Screwed over by flatmate and have to move without anticipating it
  2. Trying to find a new flat, without a car
  3. Trying to buy a car, without a car to get to the car dealerships
  4. The front door handle (the only door which allows access in and out the house) breaking off clean in my hand. Leaving me trapped in my own home
  5. Finding a new flat TWO days before being kicked out of the old one
  6. Moving into a very difficult role at work
  7. Studying for the first time in five years
  8. Finding out that YET ANOTHER person I have dated, has cheated on me

But, of course, every cloud has that lining...

I moved leaps and bounds in terms of career growth
I bought a car!
I am now studying towards a degree
And, I am dating the most amazing man, who I really love and who really loves me


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