Wednesday, August 13, 2008


When I spoke to Kyle after he found out that I am single, he said to me that he will be my plan B for the 'dual income partner thing'...Joe is my Plan A.
'The plan' is that if I am not married by the age of 30, that Joe and I will buy a house together and do normal couple things like the rest of the world. And Kyle will be my backup if Joe gets taken...
I said to Kyle that I feel like I am on the shelf, soon I will buy 12 cats,  and live on my own.
So he said, ja, then I just need to move in next to the retirement village and then I will be close enough to make that final move!
And - here is the joke of the year:
The new flat is next to a retirement village!
Now I just need to buy 12 cats and my life will be officially over!

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