Thursday, August 28, 2008

Summer Olympic comments


Here are the top nine comments made by NBC sports commentators so far
during the Summer Olympics that they would like to take back:

1. Weightlifting commentator: 'This is Gregoriava from Bulgaria . I saw
her snatch this morning during her warm up and it was amazing.'

2. Dressage commentator: 'This is really a lovely horse and I speak from
personal experience since I once mounted her mother.'

3. Paul Hamm, Gymnast: 'I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother
and father.'

4. Boxing Analyst: 'S ure there have been injuries, and even some deaths
in boxing, but none of them really that serious.'

5. Softball announcer: 'If history repeats itself, I should think we can
expect the same thing again.'

6. Basketball analyst: 'He dribbles a lot and the opposition doesn't
like it. In fact you can see it all over their faces.'

7. At the rowing medal ceremony: 'Ah, isn't that nice, the wife of the
IOC president is hugging the cox of the British crew.'

8. Soccer commentator: 'Julian Dicks is everywhere. It's like they've
got eleven Dicks on the field.'

9. Tennis commentator: 'One of the reasons Andy is playing so well is
that, before the final round, his wife takes out his balls and kisses
them... Oh my God, what have I just said?'

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I get withdrawal symptoms in December - cos then I don't have internet at home...
Or maybe I'm just weird...
I even use google to make decisions on what to wear (google - weather)

San and Nature

I like nature, as long as neither it, nor me are moving other words : I don't like hiking

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


...guess who got flowers delivered to her work?
They are beautiful!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

got a horseshoe?
Rabbit's foot?
4-leaf clover?

does your name suit your job?

San-Mari =  Mad scientist...

oohkay - could work?

....latest smiley - by yours truelly..


that's a dude, looking over a wall...



sooo - if you google my get a putload of results..

wanna really confuse someone?

-right click on the desktop
-select 'properties'
-click on the 'Appearance' tab
-go to the 'colour scheme' drop down menu
-select either 'Olive Green' or 'Silver'
-click on 'apply'
PS: This works particularly well for people who work on their PC's a lot
(I just tried this on one of my colleagues - ba ha ha ha!)

la la la

Hokaai- stop die lorrie eee

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i wanna do this though...mental note..


So my mielie obsession got worse..I'm even finding corn activities to do!


Honeydew Maize Maze' Spider Maize Maze opens at the end of January. Their 4th Maize Maze is designed in the shape of a spider in a web. With 8 quiz boards to find in a maze of 3.5km of pathways in a mielie field! Are you brave enough! It will take over an hour to solve. A challenge for all ages! A fun outdoor event.


I'm feeling a little daring- so I'm having Fritto's for breakfast...instead of NikNaks
And who says I don't take risks?

Don't ask me for ideas on date night

Cos, this is what I will come up with:

How about this for tonight?

Juggling Club, Tuesday Nights 6-8pm,

The two of us are pretty random!!

my accounts study buddy

So, at least I'm doing the whole study buddy thang now - it helps a lot! the accounts chick is smart, I like her, I even nominated her for president:

"San-Mari Swart wrote:

> Hooray!!


> Clair for president!


> :-)


> I will compare notes on the others with you tomorrow


> :-)"


Monday, August 18, 2008


weekend with professional Masseuses? Could work for me!

:-) SIGH...

AYUBA  comes back 2 his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'
He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for  the compliment.'



Friday, August 15, 2008

i just realized that my one shoe is 4 and the other 5...

load shedding - the baby boom has arrived

" don't hurt me please!"
"I vill kill youz"
"Let's keep warm!"
"I vill BITE you!"

First it was Tazz who's pregnant, she went on maternity leave last month

The cat at my house gave birth a few weeks ago..then the other cat fell pregnant!

Then the new lady starts here at 3 months pregnant

The new ladie's dog gives birth

Today the tea lady confesses that she's 6 months pregnant

And then another employee also confesses that she is pregnant

Thanks to Eskom?

i have more fun

...with people who understand the subtle grammatical points...

Such as pauses -

Elipses ....



Nik Naks

I have Nik Naks for breakfast every day...
It has to stop!
One of these days I will be orange, a weird oblong shape and smell like cheese!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

this is pretty entertaining:

proof that it always rains in London


When I spoke to Kyle after he found out that I am single, he said to me that he will be my plan B for the 'dual income partner thing'...Joe is my Plan A.
'The plan' is that if I am not married by the age of 30, that Joe and I will buy a house together and do normal couple things like the rest of the world. And Kyle will be my backup if Joe gets taken...
I said to Kyle that I feel like I am on the shelf, soon I will buy 12 cats,  and live on my own.
So he said, ja, then I just need to move in next to the retirement village and then I will be close enough to make that final move!
And - here is the joke of the year:
The new flat is next to a retirement village!
Now I just need to buy 12 cats and my life will be officially over!


dribble dribble


Whoops - sorry, fell asleep at my keyboard...


some people are like a disease - you can't help catching onto them, but you know they will be no good for you...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I feel like a performing, acrobatic monkey..on a leash...

i am dog tired



I am tired of people making mistakes at my expense!

A great end to the day

I just messed oats on the carpet..and it's those triangle pattern carpets, so the oats got in everywhere!
Sooo, I had to fetch the vacuum cleaner and vacuum the carpet...

I am not ugly

I give people chances...but seriously: 5 chances?
No way - I also have limits

And on that note:

Don't take me for an idiot!
If somebody lies to you- it means they have no respect for you...and they think you are stupid!

soooo over it


don't push an Aquarian

as sweet and lovely we can be - just as closed, icy and *&*&#@ we can turn

Don't rub an Aquarian the wrong way

cut your losses...

That's what I always say!

FW: as discussed


remember what I said yesterday? If she says it one more time, I will LOSE it


Kind Regards,


San-Mari Swart



Sent: 12 August 2008 08:58 AM
To: San-Mari Swart
Subject: RE: As per conversation

Hi San-Mari
Thank you - you are a star



 Sent: 11 August 2008 13:17 PM
To: San-Mari Swart
Subject: RE: as discussed

Hi San-Mari


Thank you – you are a star











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If you have received this communication in error, please return
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a great start to my morning!

I usually wake up at 7.30 to get ready for work, and leave the house at 8.20...

Sooo, this morning, I wake up the normal time, and see the bathroom is occupied.

Ok, well let me choose the outfit for the day, no problem..the time is 7.40

That finished, I check the status of the bathroom

Still occupied.

Ok, ok, well I will get lunch ready for the day, I stomp downstairs to make it obvious that I am awake.

Great, lunch is ready and it is now 7.45!


The bathroom door remains closed


"Ahem, excuse is now 7.50 and I need to be at work at 8.20, are you almost done?"

I stomp to my room, SLAM THE DOOR and lay out the make up for the day, it is now 7.55

At 7.57 the dude strolls out the bathroom, the entire place is steamed up...and he looks like he has spent the morning at the FRIKKING spa

I finally get to bath, I now have 20 minutes to do all the stuff I usuall do in 50 minutes. And of course, there is no more hot water...

And that was how I started my day, with a brush half hanging out my hair, one shoe on and the other off...

Monday, August 11, 2008

how soft is your rock

I knew someone who was as solid and stable as a rock - but about as interesting too

O -riginal

I consider myself authentic and when somebody else shares my weird ideas, I get freaked out...
I mean - how many other people do you know who has actual theories on stupid people and think they should have been born in the 1970's?

something I take offence to when people call me a star...

I don't know why, but I don't take it as a compliment - ever


one of my talents

I have made a 'Placement Treffers CD' for work.
Everytime we make a placement now, I play EYE OF THE TIGER / WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS...
Then I leopard crawl to the placement board and write up the placement, while doing all the movements
To the amusement of the rest of the office, of course!
And who says I am no fun?

Friday, August 08, 2008

tweedle dee and tweedle dum

Words and music by bob dylan

Tweedle dum and tweedle dee
Theyre throwin knives into the tree
Two big bags of dead mans bones
Got their noses to the grind stone
Livin in the land of nod
Trustin their fate to the hands of god
They pass by so silently
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee

Well, theyre goin to the country, theyre goin to retire
Theyre takin a streetcar named desire
Lookin at a window with a pecan pie
Lot of things theyd like they would never buy
Neither of them want to turn and run
Theyre makin a voyage to the sun
His masters voice is calling me
Said tweedle dum to tweedle dee

Tweedle dee and tweedle dum
Ill have more than some
They walk among the stately trees
They know the secrets of the police
Tweedle dum said to tweedle dee,
Your presence is obnoxious to me.
Feel like baby sittin on a womans knee.
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee

Well, the rain beatn down on a window pane
I got love for you, and its all in vain
Brains in a pot, theyre beginning to boil
Theyre drippin with garlic and olive oil
Tweedle dee is on his hands and his knees
Sayin, throw me something, mister, please!
Whats good for you is good for me,
Said tweedle dum to tweedle dee.

Well, theyre living in a happy harmony
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee
Theyre one day older and a dollar short
They got a parade permit and a police escort
Theyre lyin low and theyre makin hay
They seem determined to go all the way
They run a brick n tile company
Tweedle dum and tweedle dee

Well, a childish dream is a deathless need
And a noble truth is a sacred creed
My pretty baby, shes looking around
Shes wearin a forty-thousand dollar gown
Tweedle dee is a low down sorry old man
Tweedle dum hell stab you where you stand
Ive had too much of your company,
Said tweedle dum to tweedle dee.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Pick and Pay curse

So yesterday, I drew money and wanted to throw the slip away...and my fingers got stuck in that bin box thingy! It was only for a minute or so- but it was a panicky minute

Imagine: "Girl gets stuck in the ATM...dramatic rescue"

This is the same PnP where I locked the car keys in my car...

And where the frozen pizza boxes randomly fell on me...

I think I am going to skip this PnP from now on!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Getting to know your friend- San

1. What is your occupation ? Recruitment / Team leader

2. What color are your socks right now? blue

3. What are you listening to right now? The voices in my head

4. What was the last thing that you ate? Super C's

5. Can you drive a stick shift? If I knew what it is, maybe

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? #$#$^**

8. How old are you today? 23.5

9. What is your favorite sport to watch? None

10. What is your favorite drink? Strawberry milkshake (from Woolies)

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? When have I not dyed my hair?

12. Last time you hugged your child? Um..

13. Favorite food? Pizza with olives and avo

14. What was the last movie you watched? The happening

15. Favorite day of the year? 21st Jan

16. How do you vent anger? Planning feminist movements

7. What was your favorite toy as a child? Teenage mutant hero turtles
boardgame - it ROCKED

18. What is your favorite season? summer

19. Ocean or pool? Ocean

20. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries

21. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? Ooh yes please....

22. Who is the most likely to respond? No idea

23. Who is least likely to respond? No idea

24. Living arrangements? ...

25. When was the last time you cried? ...

26. What is on the floor of your closet? I don't want to know

28. What did you do last night? Accounts assignment :-0

29. Hawaii or Florida? Flo

30. What inspires you? My life

31. What are you afraid of? death

32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese burgers

33. Favorite dog breed? Sausage dogs

34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday

35. How many states have you lived in? 2, 8 houses/flats

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

work email that just came in:


  "Hi all : kindly be aware that there are two [2] Gentlemen taking pictures of our buidling, dont pose its just for our building,thank you"

Monday, August 04, 2008

without interferance

...I got 93% for my economics assignment...
I did the assignment when I did not have any emotional drama, more drama until my degree is complete!