Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the matching concept - taken to another level

I am starting to think that there is nobody out there who matches up to my standards....seriously.

People in general, don't care about things in general anymore...they don't care if things are finalised, ag-tomorrow-is-another-day kind of attitude.

It really grates me. Is it possible that this nation has become too lazy to even complete simple things?

Put in a little effort? how about it...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK - you know what, I would rather do these things MYSELF...

And you know what grates me EVEN MORE...when I am trying to do something to help somebody else, and they can't even put in a helping hand too. I am expected to do it all on my own...but I am doing it for YOU? How does it work?

I put in 150% effort with all things, don't stop until I have results...but you know what? It is all good, these lazy-ass people make me reach success even's all good


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