Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An unhappy posting

Admittedly, I'm not writing from a very positive space.I have been sick for months now. It started with severe migraines, the type where your peripherals get cut off and you have to immediately stop driving cos u can't see your hand in front of your face, let alone the oncoming traffic. I was put on meds to stop them and was coping quite well, but I am now immune to the meds. I was told it was my sinuses, but I had no idea what the extent of this condition could be. It is now 1,5 years later and it really feels like I'm dying a bit each day. I used to be able to exercise, the duration got a bit less each day, but now even if I talk too fast, I'm out of breath. My feet are swelling up and (besides increasing a dress size) I have increased in shoe size. I used to study part time, but nowadays I can only really work until 14.00 and then muster up some strength to carry on til 16.00, drive through traffic and make dinner. so I had to give up the part time studies this semester. All I do during the weekends is rest, I can't walk around too long or I get tired. If I'm not working or making dinner, I'm resting, and guess what - I am never rested! Also, the person looking back in the mirror with the dark circles and colourless face, is hardly the same person of a year ago! I am going for an operation soon and I really hope it makes me better...cos I'm losing a little bit more energy each my cholesterol is way too high for someone my age...which doesn't help either. I am at the end of my tether, and all that is left now is praying!
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