Wednesday, March 16, 2011

About my LOML

...Love of my life...we lived in the same small town, went to to the same high school, worked at the same restaurant, went to the same doctor, shopped at the same pick and pay, shared some of the same classes, went to the matric dance together and went to find fortune and fame in the city of gold...only we didn't move up together and only realised we were both in JHB 5 years later. I wasn't planning on going out on the night we met up again and neither did he, but we did. And no, we didn't immediately start dating after we exchanged numbers, cos we were in relationships already. All we knew was that we were drawn to each other and when I was with him, life played out like an olden day black and white romantic film. (Which is ironic cos he is colour blind) and we were inseperable of course! Never had I met someone that had so much depth in many layers, like an onion, to use Shrek's words. It was fate's attraction and definately not a fatal attraction! He said to me that his life is black and white, but I am the colour. Being a (now closet case) artist, this was the most perfect and most romantic thing anyone ever said to LOML
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An unhappy posting

Admittedly, I'm not writing from a very positive space.I have been sick for months now. It started with severe migraines, the type where your peripherals get cut off and you have to immediately stop driving cos u can't see your hand in front of your face, let alone the oncoming traffic. I was put on meds to stop them and was coping quite well, but I am now immune to the meds. I was told it was my sinuses, but I had no idea what the extent of this condition could be. It is now 1,5 years later and it really feels like I'm dying a bit each day. I used to be able to exercise, the duration got a bit less each day, but now even if I talk too fast, I'm out of breath. My feet are swelling up and (besides increasing a dress size) I have increased in shoe size. I used to study part time, but nowadays I can only really work until 14.00 and then muster up some strength to carry on til 16.00, drive through traffic and make dinner. so I had to give up the part time studies this semester. All I do during the weekends is rest, I can't walk around too long or I get tired. If I'm not working or making dinner, I'm resting, and guess what - I am never rested! Also, the person looking back in the mirror with the dark circles and colourless face, is hardly the same person of a year ago! I am going for an operation soon and I really hope it makes me better...cos I'm losing a little bit more energy each my cholesterol is way too high for someone my age...which doesn't help either. I am at the end of my tether, and all that is left now is praying!
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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Mentalist

What a good series! Clever, binding and challenging!
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Some people are closer to losing their pinky toes and others are closer to the cave(wo)men...natures pecking way to escape it
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