Friday, March 26, 2010


Just thought I'd let you know...
No more renting...
No more flats...
No more flat mates...
We got our bond!
We can now buy & own our home!!! 1000 square metres, of our own property!
What a great year it's been - everything we touched has been blessed...stupid things, important things, big things, small things, GREAT things:
  • Every piece of appliance / item we bought has been on sale. (from  the fridge to the flippen pillows. I swear! on Tuesday again, we buy a scale, it is not marked down / on sale, but we ge to the till and it is R100 less. It's ridiculous!)
  • The house was valued at R850 000, we took a chance and offered R750 000 - and got it for this price!
  • Now that we need to secure our fixed repayment rates, SA had a 50 basis point cut...what are the odds! 
  • ooh, not to forget: now that we need to pay transfer costs - I got a R10k bonus from work - what are the odds!! 
When life turns around, it does a real 360!

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