Friday, March 26, 2010


Just thought I'd let you know...
No more renting...
No more flats...
No more flat mates...
We got our bond!
We can now buy & own our home!!! 1000 square metres, of our own property!
What a great year it's been - everything we touched has been blessed...stupid things, important things, big things, small things, GREAT things:
  • Every piece of appliance / item we bought has been on sale. (from  the fridge to the flippen pillows. I swear! on Tuesday again, we buy a scale, it is not marked down / on sale, but we ge to the till and it is R100 less. It's ridiculous!)
  • The house was valued at R850 000, we took a chance and offered R750 000 - and got it for this price!
  • Now that we need to secure our fixed repayment rates, SA had a 50 basis point cut...what are the odds! 
  • ooh, not to forget: now that we need to pay transfer costs - I got a R10k bonus from work - what are the odds!! 
When life turns around, it does a real 360!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

chuck it! Happy Birthday Chuck - 70 years old!

  • When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly - he changes the world economy
  • Chuck Norris can squeeze orange juice out of lemons
  • Chuck Norris doesn't believe in the table of elements, because Chuck only believes in the element of surprise
  • Chuck Norris is one eigth Cherokee, not because of his bloodline, but because he ate a Cherokee
  • Chuck Norris once had sleeping only made him blink
  • Chuck Norris talks about Fight Club
  • Chuck Norris doesn't churn butter, he just round-house kicks the cow until the butter comes out
  • They tried to carve Chuck Norris's face out of mount rushmore...but the granite wasn't hard enough to make his beard
  • The Bermuda triangle used to be the Bermuda square, until Chuck Norris round-house kicked one of the corners off
  • Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks
  • Coroners refer to dead people as ABC's - Already Been Chucked
  • Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake, before someone could tell him there was a stripper in it
  • The chemical for toxic Cyanide is CN - these are also Chuck's initials, this is not a coincidence
  • They once made a Chuck Norris toiletpaper, problem was, it wouldn't take cr*p from anybody
  • Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding
  • When Chuck Norris pays taxes, he submits a blank form and a photo of himself. Chuck doesn't pay taxes, ever
  • There is no global warming. Chuck Norris was cold and turned the sun up
  • Chuck Norris did in fact, build Rome in a day
  • When Chuck donates blood, he declines the syringe. He asks for a handgun and a bucket

Monday, March 08, 2010

ok, people have misspelt my name before, but this takes the CAKE:
San-Mari vs. Fanery...HTF?