Thursday, January 29, 2009

what I have undergone the past few days

Monday last week:
In the evening I have two panic attacks, which results in a total of 4 hours sleep
06:30 mid-morning traffic...need I say more?
Get access cards and a staff number. On my access card my hair is yellow and my eyebrows look like yellow werewolf looks like I have not plucked a day in my life

Tuesday last week:
I can't dial out...the lady who worked here before, left little cryptic clues, which I can't figure out.
Eventually someone from a different floor and a different department brings a book with more cryptic numbers and words, and what do you know, the PHONE code..

Wednesday morning at 04.00: flight to CTN (and it is also my birthday incidentally)
I miss the valet parking section and drive out to PTA...turn back and make it in time, JUST in time
Whole day - I am on heels and carrying a heavy laptop bag, which is missing a strap..hand in my notebook to get formatted
Have a late Milnerton, beautiful view of the beach and little yachts on the water

Thursday morning:
Still in CTN, PC got formatted and I now have a strap for the laptop bag.
I notice blood blisters on my shoulders from carrying the laptop.
I can't walk anymore, the building where we are based houses 7000 people and these heels aren't made for walking. I try and sit as much as possible, which is close to impossible when the purpose of this trip is to walk over the place, meeting and greeting people.
In the evening, we fly back to Jozi, I am dead! Just want to go home. And then, of course, I get lost. I take an hour detour, break down and cry a little.

Put in petrol, which means I now have to face twice the amount of traffic, due to the time factor. I reach Grayston drive (an hour later than I usually would) and my car doesn't want to do more thank 20km's and it refuses to switch gears.
Get a stack of work to do, finally! :-)
I get to spend the evening with my lovely boyfriend, we run around shopping for the Mexican themed birthday party.

We spend the whole day on our feet preparing for the birthday party, my honey bunny went through a LOT of trouble. He was the MASTER chef
In the evening we go out dancing
I throw up from the punch, but man it was good punch

Slightly hung over, but the throwing up definately helped..I will recover by lunchtime.
We spend the day chilling with Clinton's friend

I print meeting packs for the conference in Cape Town. One problem, my printer does not work (in spite it being set up on the Friday)
B&W Printer works, but the colour one does not work
I end up working until 22:30 finishing the meeting packs, only go to bed at 12:30. My honey bunny came to bring food to me..he is so sweet

Fly to CTN, realise I missed one page of printing for the meeting packs, CRAP
work until 20:45, go for dinner and one guy has an allergic reaction to seafood. We rush off to the 24hr chemist. I go to bed at 12:30

I go food and gift shopping, I am driving around in a VITO BUS..people swear at me, cos they assume I am a taxi driver. Fellow taxi driver hoot and wave at me, cos I am a comrade.
I get lost on the way back, try to follow Table Mountain. No luck. I stop off at a friendly Capie, and he drives to where I need to be and I follow him.
Go out to dinner, bed at 12:00

I just want to check into my room to freshen up a bit. My key card doesn't work. I go to the reception, they say I have checked out, cos I flew to JHB. I say: then how the heck can I be standing right here? They put all my luggage in the reception...I sort it out and get a room upgrade


Mishie said...

ahhhh that is quite a week!!!!unbelieveable

san said...

you telling me!