Monday, September 14, 2009

Meet the village idiot

I share our living space with a complete idiot...(this idiot is obviously not Clinton)

Some reasons why I believe he is the village idiot:

Mistaken uses for things
  • Using a couch as a clothes cupboard
  • Using a couch as a bed for your weird, sweaty, shirtless SUMMER, without sheets!
  • Using the shower as a towel rack
  • Using the bathroom as the place to plug in electrical appliances (Can you say fire hazard??)
  • Using the floor as a plate (well, it looked like it the one day)
Pushing the sound barrier
  • Having a selection of the MOST annoying ring tones and SMS alerts...seriously! (who needs peace and quiet?)
  • Not switching your alarm off on weekends, meaning we get woken up at the crack of 05:30 each Saturday / Sunday - to the BEEP BEEP BEEP sound (who needs to sleep in on weekends?)
  • Putting the TV volume so high that I can share the TV experience, from my bedroom (who needs 2 TV's)
Not being self sufficient, at the ripe age of 24

  • Not having your own bank account at the age of 24. Instead, your mommy handles your finances
  • Having your mommy phone at odd hours of the morning, to find out where you are and what you are doing
  • Relying on your best friend to move YOUR stuff into the flat
  • Not being able to organise a lift to the airport on your own
Bad Personal Hygiene

  • Having a dettol container that is BROWN and smells like something dead and rotting
  • Putting your hairbrush on the TOILET
  • Serving your date mouldy bread to eat, hmmmm, yum yum
Random things that just make no sense:

  • Having 3 toothbrushes and 4 half-finished toothpaste tubes for just ONE person
  • Faking a qualification

Being attracted to shiny things:

  • The first time he brought a girl over, there was this shiny glitter stuff all over the house ( I actually still found one of these glitter things, the other day, 5 months later) And now, I assume it is a new girl, there is AGAIN shiny glittery stuff everywhere. (proof that he is attracted to shiny things)

  • An earth globe in a clear perspex cube - displayed on the TV Cabinet in our lounge
  • A fake gold coin in a clear perspex cube - displayed on the TV Cabinet in our lounge
  • A Tequila mat (that he stole out of a bar) - displayed on the TV cabinet in our lounge
  • Coasters with alcoholic logo's (which again, was stolen out of a bar) - displayed on the TV Cabinet in our lounge
  • A remote control car - displayed on the TV cabinet in our lounge
  • A Strobe light - DISCO, DISCO! - Displayed next to the TV cabinet in our lounge

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