Thursday, June 04, 2009

Only in Sandton

I decide to venture out to the shops for lunch. Now this is something I have only done for the third time since I started the new job.

Waiting at the robot, we are stuck in the usual bumper to bumper traffic. I feel a thud behind me....the idiot behind me drove into me. My first reaction is to stop dead, so the guy speeds past and cuts in front of me!

I madly race after him and take down his registration number, thinking to myself : I am going to NAIL you, you ****

I then make it to the shops, plotting my revenge in the Pick n Pay queue, when this dude gives me a shuttle service brochure. He asks about what I do for a living, where I work, etc etc. Then out of nowhere - do I go to Virgin Activ, cos I have a nice shape. Um, dude..seriously?

From now on, I am bringing lunch from home!

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