Monday, June 08, 2009

the average person swallows 8 spiders a year..

I dreamt someone was pressing down on my throat and neck.

I woke up with a terrible cough - like something was stuck in my throat...

Hope I didn't swallow a bloody spider!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Survivor Sandton, 3rd floor

The diet is going surprisingly well, yesterday I survived on only a handful of nuts for lunch.

Surviving, hmmmm...

Maybe I should take it to another level and pretend I am on Survivor. I will play some tropical music, wear the same outift for 39 days, and do personal video close up's of my adventures in the urban jungle. Have a camera crew follow me around the building...I will then survive only off our tea lady's brews and fruit from Woolworths

More than just checking out items at the till

Just remembered - I also got chatted up by an old ballie at Woolworths.

He saw I was looking for the expiry dates on bread, and proceeded to educate me. (they are now printed on those white plastic things)

He then spoke of the length of the queues, bla bla bla bla bla something something

Walking out the shop, we happened to park in the same bay (coincidence?) and he jokingly points out that he was not following me..

WTF - do men in Sandton expect a ready-made-wife in the bread isle? Instead of only checking out your grocery items, you check out your future wife? That adds a whole new meaning to the word shopping!

Something you should have learnt in Grade 1 & 2

  • To not read out loud. Honestly, in a Tertiary level - degree exam hall, you expect the people to not read all the questions out loud

Only in Sandton

I decide to venture out to the shops for lunch. Now this is something I have only done for the third time since I started the new job.

Waiting at the robot, we are stuck in the usual bumper to bumper traffic. I feel a thud behind me....the idiot behind me drove into me. My first reaction is to stop dead, so the guy speeds past and cuts in front of me!

I madly race after him and take down his registration number, thinking to myself : I am going to NAIL you, you ****

I then make it to the shops, plotting my revenge in the Pick n Pay queue, when this dude gives me a shuttle service brochure. He asks about what I do for a living, where I work, etc etc. Then out of nowhere - do I go to Virgin Activ, cos I have a nice shape. Um, dude..seriously?

From now on, I am bringing lunch from home!