Sunday, March 08, 2009

6 years - and I HAVE HAD IT

I really had it with flat mates...

The last encounter I had, was once again not a pleasant one. This is what I had to endure...

- Shaven leg hairs in the bath
- People digging in my cupboard for my beauty products
- Skidmarks
- Food being finished, and the EMPTY container being placed back in the fridge
- Food being stolen
- Smoking inside my house
- Maggots in the bin
- Half finished coffee cups with dead bugs floating inside them
- An unbearable dead / vrot feet smell

Then of course, there was the couple. Who asked me to come and fetch THEIR grocery packets out of their car! Oh yes, and I was not allowed friends sleeping over. Um, hello? I am old enough, pretty please?

Before that, was the scaly ****. Who changed jobs - to a job that does not pay a salary.
And then of course, she starts sourcing replacement flat sweet? Yeah, but she tries to sell them off as her best mates, meanwhile she doesn't know them from a bar of soap. She had a frikking advert running for our place - and I was none the wiser. Lucky for me, I found out by pure accident. Then she tried to stick me with the full month's rent, she got one hell of a shock!

Before that, I was also in maggot / fly in coffee haven.

And before that, I had a 3 month stint with a mommy's-girl, who thought she could cut the apron strings. And then realised, oops, she couldn't. Which left me out on my arse once again.

And taking us right back to the start of this lovely house sharing business, was the psycho. She had actually been in a loony bin (no exaggerations here). And it was apparent in the fact that she had done everything there is to do in life (at the ripe old age of 23) There was nothing she had not done. Been a member of the Scorpions special police force, travelled along the Botswana border, you name it..

I can say, without a doubt, that I AM OVER LIVING WITH OTHER PEOPLE (besides Clinton of course, him and I understand each other)

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