Wednesday, October 01, 2008

driver's in Fourways

Ok, besides the fact that they are a$$holes..they actually use ancient (well, if you want to call High School ancient, some people are so old, that it does fall under ancient) anyway, they use ancient techniques of intimidation...
If you recall your first hockey match (or rugby match, to be politically correct) ....
You were petrified of these dudes and dudettes hurtling at you with balls, you would approach very slowly..and try come in at a very submissive angle.
The attackers / defence team would in contrast, pretend to come at you, just to try make you approach quicker
The same applies to driver's in Fourways...
If you are driving a bit slowly, and the gap is JUST small enough for them not to be able to drive in front of you...they use the scare tactic.
Pretending to move forward, trying to make you drive faster..
I, of course respond to this, by driving extra slowly...

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