Monday, August 13, 2007

The crying game - TOP BILLING

To make it big in Sport, you must love what you are doing, and that includes loving the pain. We have a lot to learn from some of sport's greatest stars when it comes to pain.
These tips are good for is motivating in the sense that, when you think you  are really pushing yourself and think you can do ANY MORE physically. And that is IMPOSSIBLE. It helps to look at these quotes and wise words, coz THESE guys are the ones who are pushing themselves to the limit. And that makes me put the exercise bike on level 5 (instead of  lulling around on level 3) And makes me wake up the next day with sore triceps and biceps (WOW, I have those?)
Probably every second sportsperson has, at some time of their lives, rolled off the secret to their success with the words, 'The harder I practice, the luckier I get.'  Big stars, small stars, local stars and international stars all now use that phrase, first coined by Gary Player, South Africa's greatest golfer and one of only five men to achieve golf's career Grand Slam. At the age of 70, Player is still a hardworking man with an exercise regime that would make most 20-year-olds flinch, and still crunches a few thousand sit-ups every month.
'There are no secrets, it's just a matter if getting off your butt and doing it,' he admits.
Player's health and fitness goal is to 'over-exercise and under eat. I stay away from refined foods. If man made it, don't eat it. Lots of fruit, grilled vegetables, fish and, of course, water.'
Ever had a massage? Not a 'happy endings' massage, but a proper deep-tissue muscle massage? It's unbelieveable, and because athletes are pushing their bodies so hard they regular massages (some as many as 2 to 3 times a day) to keep their muscles relaxed and prevent injury. A massage will take the edge off any post-training pain, as well as reduce potential injury worries.
Arnold Schwarzenegger...'breaking through the pain barrier and shocking th muscles. I looked at the pain as a positive thing, because I grew'
The benefits of stretching extends beyond suppleness - it gives you height!
'You can only train as hard as you can recover," says Graham Obree, the one-hour cycling world record holder. If you push yourself too hard, without apporiate recovery procedures, you risk running your body down and suffering injuries.' The final word goes back to Gary Player who says "I am a champion sleeper, which might be one of my secrets'
Top Billing, 2007 March

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