Thursday, April 30, 2009

Anybody else feel like turning GAY?

Turns out another guy who crushed on me in high school is now GAY!

Which leaves only one other person who crushed on me, whose sexual orientation I am unsure of. (besides Clinton, who is of course NOT gay) So I feel compelled to investigate this one other guy from PSHS's sexual orientation...I will let you know!

You have to ask yourself, did I turn them gay, or was I the most likely cover up for an insecure gay teenage boy?

Did I do them a favour or injustice?

Personal I repeating myself?

As if the shavings in the shower wasn't enough...

Here I am, innocently applying make up at the basins, when I spot a chick with pink and beige facecloths, rinsing them with her green cracked soap bar.

Wait a many BEIGE SILKY facecloths does one get? Not many. Which led me to believe that it indeed was not what I thought it was.

Being curious of nature, and utterly repulsed by the previous public hygiene incident...I investigate, trying not to make it too obvious.

AH HA! UNDERWEAR! The chick is WASHING her UNDERWEAR in the public basin!


I am finding it hard to go to gym in the mornings, I wonder why?

Madagscar 2

Looking for a good laugh? Madagascar 2 is worth it!

Especially cool is the scene where the penguins ambush tourists to take their trucks from them...wicked!


You know when the robot is green, but there is not enough space for you to fully cross over the intersection, because the traffic is so backed up?

Well I was in that situation, and then someone who was also TURNING into the lane (I was going straight, so I had right of way) tried to cut me off!

I gave him my best does-your-momma-know-you-cut-people-off-in-traffic look and shook my head. He stopped dead in his tracks and let me form part of the line of cars ahead.

Dam straight!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We are now the proud 'parents' of 5 tropical fish...


On the radio the other day, I heard about the CNA's** Greek posters for voting campaigns.

Wackhead wanted to test the theory and got somebody who speaks Greek to phone the party.
And of course, even though they print in Greek, nobody spoke the language

**Names have been changed for protection reasons

personal hygiene people, say it with me...

The problem is that you only notice it when it is too late.
So there you are, naked in a public shower, and with a curious mind, inspecting the black stuff that is lying in the corner.
And then it hits you, with a head full of shampoo and eye full of soap..what that stuff in the corner is.
HAIR! Not only did someone shave in the public shower, they shaved body parts which are not legs or underarms!

And there I was, gagging in the shower, ready to lose my breakfast

Baby boom

The Baby Boom did not leave the Swart family. My 38 year old sister is expecting, and will be having a child in Aug / Sep this year...

e-Voting day

one small step for San, one giant leap for SA..

Tomorrow will be the first time I exercise my democratic right of voting...


Clinton and me at the silver function